Wynyard Show 2025 - 15/03/2025
Rider Check-In Results
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A-Led Classes
A1-Led Pony under 12 hh
A2-Led Pony 12 hh – 14 hh
A3-Led Galloway over 14 hh – 15 hh
A4-Led Hack over 15 hh – 16 hh
A5-Led Hack over 16 hh
B-Lead Rein & Beginner Show Classes
B10-Beginner Rider pony
B11-Pleasure Lead-Rein
B12-Pleasure Beginner Pony
B6-Smartest on Parade Lead Reid & Beginner Rider
B7-Leading-Rein Rider
B8-Beginner Rider
B9-Leading Rein Pony
C-Small & Large Show Ponies
C13-Smartest on Parade (No Workout)
C14-Novice Pony (Refer to Ruling)
C15-Open Pony NE 12hh
C16-Open Pony over 12hh and NE 12.2hh
C170-Open Pony Over 12.2hh and NE 13hh
C18-Open Pony over 13hh and NE 13.2hh
C19-Pony over 13.2hh and NE 14hh.
C20-Heavyweight Pony
C21-Lightweight Pony
C22-Child's Pony (Rider 17 years and under)
C23-Adult's Pony (Rider 18 years and over)
D-Show Galloway Classes
D24-Smartest on Parade (No Workout)
D25-Novice Galloway (Refer to Ruling)
D26-Open Galloway Over 14hh and NE 14.2hh
D27-Open Galloway Over 14.2hh and NE 15hh
D28-Heavyweight Galloway
D29-Lightweight Galloway
D30-Child's Galloway (Rider 17 years and under)
D31-Adult's Galloway (Rider 18 years and over)
E-Show Hack Classes
E32-Smartest on Parade (No Workout)
E33-Novice Hack (Refer to Ruling)
E34-Open Hack Over 15hh and NE 15.2hh
E35-Open Hack Over 15.2hh and NE 16hh
E36-Open Hack Over 16hh and NE 16.2hh
E37-Open Hack Over 16.2hh
E38-Heavyweight Hack
E39-Lightweight Hack
E40-Child's Hack (Rider 17 years and under)
E41-Adult's Hack (Rider 18 years and over)
F-Lead Rein & Beginner Hunter Classes
F42-Smartest on Parade Lead Reid
F43-Smartest on Parade Beginner Rider
F44-Leading-Rein Rider
F45-Beginner Rider
F46-Leading Rein Hunter Pony
F47-Beginner Rider Hunter pony
G-Hunter Small & Large Ponies
G48-Smartest on Parade (No Workout)
G49-Novice Pony (Refer to Ruling)
G50-Open Pony NE 12hh
G51-Open Pony over 12hh and NE 12.2hh
G52-Open Pony Over 12.2hh and NE 13hh
G53-Open Pony over 13hh and NE 13.2hh
G54-Open Pony over 13.2hh and NE 14hh
G55-Heavyweight Pony
G56-Lightweight Pony
G57-Child's Pony (Rider 17 years and under)
G58-Adult's Pony (Rider 18 years and over)
H-Hunter Galloway Classes
H59-Smartest on Parade (No Workout)
H60-Novice Galloway (Refer to Ruling)
H61-Hunter Galloway Over 14hh and NE 14.2hh
H62-Hunter Galloway Over 14.2hh and NE 15hh.
H63-Heavyweight Galloway
H64-Lightweight Galloway
H65-Child's Galloway (Rider 17 years and under)
H66-Adult's Galloway (Rider 18 years and over)
I-Hunter Hack Classes
I67-Smartest on Parade (No Workout)
I68-Novice Hack (Refer to Ruling)
I69-Hunter Hack Over 15hh and NE 15.2hh
I70-Hunter Hack Over 15.2hh and NE 16hh
I71-Hunter Hack Over 16hh and NE 16.2hh
I72-Open Hack Over 16.2
I73-Heavyweight Hack
I74-Lightweight Hack
I75-Child's Hack (Rider 17 years and under)
I76-Adult's Hack (Rider 18 years and over)
J-Junior Riding section
J77-Novice Junior Rider (under 18 years)
J78-Open Rider 12 years and under
J79-Open Rider 13 years and under 16 years
J80-Open Rider 16 years and under 18 years.
K-Senior Riding section
K81-Novice Senior Rider 18yrs & Over
K82-Open Rider 18 years and including 30 years
K83-Open Rider over 30 years
L-Pony Club Classes
L82-Beginner Pony Club Rider
L83-Pony Club rider under 12 years
L84-Pony Club Mount under 12 hh
L85-Pony Club Mount 12 hh & under 14 hh
L86-Pony Club Mount 14 hh & under 14.2 hh
L87-Pony Club Mount 14.2 hh & under 15 hh
L88-Pony Club Mount 15 hh & under 15.2 hh
L89-Pony Club Mount 15.2hh & under 16 hh
L90-Pony Club Mount over 16 hh
L91-Lead Rein Pony Club Rider
L94-Pony Club Rider 13 to 18 years
L95-Pony Club Rider over 19 years.
SJ-Show Jumping
SJ1-80 CM ARTICLE 238.2.2
SJ2-100 CM ARTICLE 238.2.2
SJ3-115 CM ARTICLE 238.2.2
SJ4-Open 120cms – Article 238.2.2
SJ7-Open 50cm – Article 238.2.1
SJ8-Open 60 cm– Article 238.2.1
SJ9-Open 70 cm– Article 238.2.2