Hunter Working Equitation Club Inc

Member Registration

Member Details

Residential Address

Mailing Address


Other information

By accepting these conditions, I understand and agree that I am liable for all costs involved with my and/or my childs transport by ambulance should we be injured. *
HWECI recommends all riders consider taking out their own insurance before participating in any equestrian related activities. New memberships for HWECI are not automatically granted. Received applications will be considered at the next general meeting. Prospective applicants, including renewals, will be advised if their application has been accepted or not.
By accepting these conditions, I give permission for images and/or photographs of myself and/or my child/children to be used by HWECI for promotional purposes and newsletters. *
I understand that if I do not give permission for images and/or photographs of myself and/or my child to be used by the club for promotional purposes, that I will notify the club executive in writing, separately, and that it is my responsibility to do so. *
If I am a parent of a child rider, by accepting these conditions I agree that I will be on the grounds at any HWECI event where my child will be riding. If I am unable to attend, I will appoint another person over twenty five years of age to be responsible for my child/children. I shall notify the club executive in writing, separately, of the person nominated for the responsibility at the time, and I understand that it is my responsibility to do so. *
By accepting these conditions I agree to abide by the HWECI constitution, rules and regulations. I acknowledge that I have also read, signed, understood and included this form and all the waivers necessary to form part of my application. I shall notify the club executive in writing, separately, if any of the above circumstances change during the membership year. *
ANWE NSW Rider number *
Medical Problems/allergies (detail) *
What level of WE are you training at? *

Email address is already assigned to a member,
please use an alternative email address.

You appear to be an existing member.
Do you want to renew your membership?

Aged pension membership is for members over 65 years.
Please choose another membership type or correct your date of birth.