Western Dressage Association of Australia – Membership

Membership Year - 1st July 2024 to 30th June 2025

Title, Names

Junior members only

Residential Address

Mailing Address

Other Information

The national governing body Western Dressage Association of Australia (WDA-AUS) is required to keep a register of the financial members of the organisation. Your personal information is collected through nominate.com.au when you join or renew your membership. In line with the Australian Privacy Principles, your personal information is kept secure and is not shared with third parties.

Formal agreements are in place between the national governing body and all WDA - AUS branches, state associations and affiliates. These bodies conduct western dressage events for WDA - AUS members residing in or visiting their localities.

WDA - AUS will pass on your name, email address and the city/town that you reside in, to the relevant state association, nearby branches and or affiliates closest to you.This is to allow them to contact you in relation to their western dressage activities and events.

Parent or guardian consent is required for youth member information to be passed on.

You appear to be an existing member.
Membership number matches your details. Do you want to renew your membership?