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Tasmanian Equestrian Centre Capricorn Arena
Equestrian Drive

Phone: 1 or
Email: [email protected]

Frequently asked Questions for TEC areas.


What does TEC membership give me? 

Access to common use areas of the equestrian centre - tracks and trails, Capricorn arena, wash bays, lunge yard, toilets, carpark.

Do I need to be an EA member? 


Do TEC offer a pro rata ? 


Do I still have to pay rider levies at comps, training days & clinics if I am a TEC CU? Yes TEC membership is for casual use days

Do I have insurance if I join TEC? 

As an EA member you hold insurance.

Do I have to pay extra to ride in arenas? 

As a CU you can ride in Capricorn arena for no extra fee. SZ Dressage do charge arena fees to use their 5 arenas in the dressage park.

Do I have to book the arenas? 


Will I be the only one in an arena if I book it? 

There is an exclusive booking option for Capricorn arena.

Can I use the x country course whenever I like? 

No. Only when under instruction with a TEC coach.

Can any one coach me at TEC? 

No you can only be coached by a TEC coach

Can I jump at TEC on my own? 

As a casual user you may jump on the Capricorn arena if it is booked exclusively and you have a reliable person watching.
If you are not a CU you can only jump while under instruction by a TEC coach.

Can I use the show jump park to ride in? 

Yes, if Show-jumping does not have their area closed. However you can not jump in there without prior negotiation with show-jump and you can not ride on the banks.

Can I ride around the trails? 


Can a friend meet me and come for a ride? 

Only if they are a CU.

Can I organise a clinic on the grounds? 

Yes subject to clinic regulation and negotiation with TEC.

Can non TEC members ride at the park? 

Only in arenas booked via nominate.

How do I get my TEC key?

When you become a CU arrangements are made to supply you the key.

