ANWE NSW 3 Phase Competition
Sat 5th April 2025
8.00am start
Introductory Level to Masters
$60entry on Nominate only
Closing date 28/3 /25
Camping and Limited Yards available
Riders must be ANWE members
Riders must be EA or Bulahdelah Dressage Club members
The event is held in accordance with ANWE rules and conditions
Rule book and tests can be found at anwensw.org.au
EA Bridle number must be displayed on both sides of the horse
Introductory Level has 2 judged Ease of Handling rounds
Riders must present to a gear Steward prior to each phase
Draw and Job list will be emailed prior to competition
All riders are required to help on the day
No Canteen
Covid precautions apply
This Event is run under EA Rules and Risk Management. As part of our extra Risk Management strategy we advise
all riders to be respectful and polite
floats to be parked no less than 9 metres apart
no horses on football grounds
dogs to be on leads at all times
no dogs on arena
no horses to be tied to arena rails, trees or seating
Wet Weather Phone Muriel Plater 0407 994 843 or check Facebook/Website for update
All Entry Enquiries: Muriel Plater 0407 994 843