• Stabling:
Stables are available from Thursday 20th February to Sunday 23rd February.
Stables are available at $40 per day with an additional $80 payable for the first day to cover the cost of the 5 bales of shavings included in the stable hire.
Additional bales are available at $16 per bale. If required, the additional bales will be
placed in the appropriate stable(s).
Stable Bond: Refundable equipment and cleaning bond of $100 per stable required.
Stables will be allocated after receipt of entries. On leaving the stable, you will need to obtain an inspection to be eligible for your bond refund, which you will receive via
Nominate post event.
Please bring your own wheelbarrows, rakes and brooms.
Lockable tack rooms may be available at $20 per day (bring your own padlock).
• Day Parking:
For any horses not using the stables (e.g. floating daily and tethering the horse to
the float) there will be a ‘per day stay’ charge of $20 per horse per day.
Enter via Nominate under a separate booking to any stabling requirements. Please
indicate the number of horses on a per day stay on the appropriate days.
ONLY trucks and floats not staying overnight (day parking) need to park in P7 - check
SIEC website for plan offsite. License plates will be recorded daily.
• Camping:
Camping for a powered site will cost $45 per night/day and available from Thursday 20th February to Sunday, 23rd February. When booking a camp site, please indicate whether you need space for a truck/float/caravan/tent as this makes allocation of sites easier. If hiring a caravan, please indicate on entry form so that site can be allocated, and the lessor advised of the site number for delivery purposes.
• Cabins on site:
Cabins are available from Thursday 20th February to Sunday 23rd February. Cabins contain
two single beds, heater and locker. Supply your own linen, pillows & blankets. The cost is $50 per night, with a refundable $50 Cabin Key Bond, which will be refunded after the cabin has been checked by the campsite manager that is has been left clean and tidy and the key is returned.
No cooking is allowed in the cabins. These facilities are available in the Mess Hall.
• Refunds & Bonds:
All refunds & bonds will be distributed via Nominate post event. Any unsuccessful accommodation
bookings will be refunded prior to the event.
Visit the Great Southern CVI website for more accommodation options.