Saturday 5th April 2025
Dardanup Equestrian Centre, Garvey Road
PCWA & Open Classes 50cm to 105cm
Classes - Special 2 Phase and Optimum Time
Ribbons to 6th for Individual age classes, rosettes to 6th for overall placings in each height for the Special 2 Phase Pony Club classes.. Rosettes 1st to 3rd for open, ribbons 4th - 6th.
Ribbons for Optimum Time classes.
Part of the Pony Club WA Show Jumping Leaderboard, Special 2 Phase Classes only. (opt time will not be PCWA leaderboard)
Overall high point champion and Reserve in 3 age groups and open.
$18 per round
$3.00 PCWA levy per pony club rider entry
$10 Ground fee per horse
Nominate fee on top of this
3 rounds per horse over 2 consecutive heights
You can not enter the same class number twice
Open riders, please only enter open classes
Pony Club Riders, please only enter pony club classes
Open Riders - you must have PCAWA annual insurance to compete at this event. Please EMAIL a copy of your insurance to the event secretary. Your entry will not be accepted without proof of insurance.
***PCWA gear checking rules apply for all classes***
PCWA members - official uniform
Non-PCWA/Open riders are to wear jackets and/or long sleeve shirts.
***COMPULSORY HELPERS*** Each rider must nominate a helper over the age of 16 years. If the same helper is nominated for more than one rider, they will get more than one job.
Helper Jobs will be via Sign Up the week before the event.
¨ ALL riders must walk the course in FULL riding uniform (ie, helmet, whip, spurs etc)
¨ Please be ready to ride in draw order
Draw will be posted before the event when ready, with helper duties via Sign Up
Yards are available at no charge, 60 yards available
Please ensure you leave the grounds clean and tidy. Pick up your horses manure and hay and dispose of in the manure pits.
No rider under 18 years is to be left on the grounds without a parent/guardian
· REFUNDS/SCRATCHINGS - Entry fees will not be refunded after the closing date of entries unless a medical (GP) or veterinary certificate is produced within 24 hours of the completion of the event. In such cases a $15 administration fee will apply. Entry fees will be refunded in full for withdrawals before the closing date.
Class Definitions
SPECIAL TWO PHASE (Formerly Super Two Phase) (Article 274.2– Competition in Two Phases)
• Conducted under Table A rules, not against the clock in the first phase, and against the clock in the second phase.
• It comprises two phases run without interruption, each at an identical or different speed, the finishing line for the first phase being identical with the starting line for the second phase.
• The first phase is a course of 5 to 7 obstacles with or without combinations.
• The second phase takes place over 4 to 6 obstacles, which may include one combination.
• Unless eliminated, athletes penalised in the first phase may continue in the second phase.
• The winner is according to the aggregate penalties in both phases (faults on obstacles and penalties for exceeding the time allowed in both phases) and, if necessary, according to the time of the 2nd phase.
(OPTIMUM TIME Article 238.1.2)
- This is a Competition not against the clock with a time allowed but in the event of equality of Penalties for first place there will be one jump-off against the clock. Other Athletes are placed according to their Penalties in the first round.
**Dogs are prohibited on the grounds**
Enquiries to: [email protected]