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Event Type: Working Equitation

Barraba & District Working Equitation Club - Obstacle & Dressage Training Day

Barraba Showground

Barraba and District Working Equitation
12:00 PM
12:00 AM

Barraba & District Working Equitation Club

Obstacle & Dressage Training Day

Showground, Rodney st Barraba

Each group will have a knowledgeable leader to explain working equitation obstacles and rules.

 Groups will will rotate through two sets of obstacles and the dressage arena.

Set up: 8.30am (please help)

Session 1: 9.30 - 11.00, Session 2: 11.00 - 12.30, Lunch (BYO): 12.30 -1.30, Session 3: 1.30 - 3.00

Set up for Sunday's competition will take place after the training day. Helping is a great way to talk to the course designer and learn the course. 

BADWE Members $60

Non-members $60 + $20 day membership / insurance

$10 Stable & $10 powered camping

BADWE half yearly membership available on Nominate

All riders must have an ANWE Levy number also available on Nominate.

Minimum age 4 years (responsible adult must be present)

ANWEL strongly recommends that ALL riders/competitors at all State and or Club competitions, events and training days wear an approved safety helmet described in the ANWEL Rule Books. Equestrian Australian does not endorse the use of soft hats and regulated/certified helmets are required to be worn to meet Australian health and safety standards.

All riders under the age of 18 must wear a certified safety riding helmet.

“Neither the Organising Committee nor Equestrian Australia nor Australian National Working Equitation accepts any liability for any accident, damage, injury or illness to horses, riders, ground, spectators or anyvother person or property whatsoever.”

The Organisers reserve the right: To cancel any class or event; To divide any class;?To transfer competitors between sections of a class; To alter the advertised times; To refuse any entry with or without stating the reason.

Refunds are available until closing date. Following this, a vet / doctor certificate is required.

I have read the above information 

Number Class Status Notes Test Fee
Class: expand_moreObstacles and Dressage Training Day - members 01 Number:01Obstacles and Dressage Training Day - members Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $60.00
Class: expand_moreObstacles and Dressage Training Day - Non-members (includes $20 day membership / insurance) 02 Number:02Obstacles and Dressage Training Day - Non-members (includes $20 day membership / insurance) Status: Open Notes: Half yearly membership to Badwe is available now! Test: Fee: $80.00
Class: expand_moreExtra horse on grounds 03 Number:03Extra horse on grounds Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $10.00

Event Notes

Stables $10 - please clean out on departure
Camping $10

Contact Details

Cody - 0434 604 883
[email protected]
Via sms 0412 963 893
[email protected]


It is compulsory for all riders attending Working Equitation events to have an Australian National Working Equitation levy number.

 1 May 2024 - 30 June 2025

        Individual $30.00

        Family (riders only) $55.00

 Access to:

        ANWE Competition (Local and National)

        The Official Rule Book

        Judge and Coach Accreditation Programs

        International Clinicians

        Resources and Website Member Log In

Join in the clubs section of Nominate 

 Any questions please contact:

ANWEL secretary - [email protected]

 I understand that I need an ANWE levy number to enter.

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  • Office Hours: 9am - 5pm Monday - Friday
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