Logan River Redlands Working Equitation
12:00 PM
08:00 PM
06/03/2025 – please note a late fee will apply after the original closing date
Logan River Redlands Working Equitation
3 Phase Unofficial Points Competition
9th March 2025
Venue: Chambers Flat Equestrian Park 1047 Chambers Flat Road Chambers Flat, QLD 4130
Entries via Nominate.com.au - Closing Date 4th March 2025. Entries after the closing date will attract a $15 late entry fee if accepted.
Ribbons: Ribbons 1st- 6th Classes:
Camping/Yards You are welcome to camp after our training day the day before. Camping is $10 non powered per night per car. Yards are on a first come first served basis. Please note that yards are limited to 23 only (no charge if you bring your own yards). Yards must be clean and tidy before leaving the grounds.
Conditions of entry: - One horse entry per rider. Unless numbers can cater for them please email directly - No Stallions unless approved by the organising committee beforehand. - No horses allowed on the grounds that are not entered into the competition without prior approval from the Sub-Committee. - Riders must be members of an affiliated Working Equitation Club and have an ANWE levy number. Your membership number must be provided with your nomination. - Horse Health Declarations & Waiver must be completed and presented before riding on the club grounds. This includes the day before the competition.
Course maps, riders notes and the draw will be emailed out after close of entries. Event enquiries to: [email protected]
Competition will be run in accordance with the ANWE Rule Book 2024