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Event Type: Dressage

CDG Member & Participant Event 16th March 2025

Caboolture Dressage Group

06:00 PM
12:00 AM
As per draw
Number Class Status Notes Test Fee
Class: expand_morePreparatory 1 01 Number:01Preparatory 1 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Prep Test 1 Fee: $30.00
Class: expand_morePreparatory 2 02 Number:02Preparatory 2 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Prep Test 2 Fee: $30.00
Class: expand_morePreliminary 1.1 03 Number:03Preliminary 1.1 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Preliminary 1.1 Fee: $30.00
Class: expand_morePreliminary 1.2 04 Number:04Preliminary 1.2 Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $30.00
Class: expand_moreNovice 2.1 05 Number:05Novice 2.1 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Novice 2.1 Fee: $30.00
Class: expand_moreNovice 2.2 06 Number:06Novice 2.2 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Novice 2.2 Fee: $30.00
Class: expand_moreElementary 3.1 07 Number:07Elementary 3.1 Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $20.00
Class: expand_moreElementary 3.2 08 Number:08Elementary 3.2 Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $20.00
Class: expand_moreMedium 4.1 09 Number:09Medium 4.1 Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $20.00
Class: expand_moreMedium 4.2 10 Number:10Medium 4.2 Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $20.00
Class: expand_moreAdvanced 5.1 11 Number:11Advanced 5.1 Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $20.00
Class: expand_moreAdvanced 5.2 12 Number:12Advanced 5.2 Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $20.00
Class: expand_morePSG 13 Number:13PSG Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $20.00
Class: expand_moreInter 1 14 Number:14Inter 1 Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $20.00
Class: expand_moreInter A 15 Number:15Inter A Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $20.00
Class: expand_moreInter B 16 Number:16Inter B Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $20.00
Class: expand_moreEA Para Test choice 1 17 Number:17EA Para Test choice 1 Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $20.00
Class: expand_moreEA Para Test choice 2 18 Number:18EA Para Test choice 2 Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $20.00

Event Notes

$10.00 per yard per day

Contact Details

[email protected]
0414 543 725
0414 543 725
Nicole Meakins
0414 543 725
[email protected]
Ribbons 1st to 8th.






  1. Late entries and telephone entries will not be accepted.
  2. The Organizing Committee (OC) reserves the right to alter the program and accept / reject entries or have competitors removed from the event.
  3. CDG events are conducted in accordance with the EA rules except where the FEI rules apply.
  4. The Nominations Co-ordinator (NC) is different for each type of event organised by the CDG (i.e. Members Only events, Member & Participant Events & Official Events).  Entries must be sent to the correct NC as listed on the event schedule. Entries to CDG events is via the Nominate entry service.
  5. Entry and indemnity forms must be completed in full and the correct fees paid.  Nominations will not be accepted if incomplete or payment not received
  6. The draw will be posted on the CDG website and Facebook page as soon as possible after it is completed and emailed to competitors.
  7. Entry fees (including any administration fee) will be refunded in full if a competitor withdraws before close of entries.  Once entries have closed “withdrawal” becomes a “scratching” subject to the CDG refund policy.  Such request must be made within 3 days after the event and supported by a veterinarian or doctor certificate.  A percentage of the entry fee (currently 30%) will be retained by the CDG along with any non-refundable administration fee applicable to that event.
  8. CDG Members Day entries will not be refunded after close of entries.
  9. Scratching on the day must be made to the mobile number as listed on the event schedule.
  10. If an event needs to be cancelled the CDG refund policy will apply.
  11. Prizemoney or goods in kind will be paid in accordance with EA Dressage Rule 3.20. The OC has the right to decide if prize money or goods in kind will be paid at any official event,
  12. Prize money, if paid, will be direct deposited to rider/owner bank account as soon as possible after the event.  Please ensure that the CDG treasurer has the correct account details.
  13. Caboolture Dressage uses online scoring so no test sheets to be collected. Rosettes/ribbons will be made available as soon as possible after the results for a competition have been finalised.


Rules of the grounds


  1. Dogs are not allowed at QSEC grounds.
  2. Competitor entry is via Gate 15 Old Gympie Road or Gate 14 into the QSEC Camping & Stabling Area. Spectator entry is via Tuckeroo Drive.
  3. Horse Health Declaration forms must be completed and handed in at Gear Check or to Stable Manager on arrival at the grounds.
  4. Correct riding attire (boots and Safety Standards Approved helmet) must be worn whilst mounted upon a horse.
  5. Riders are not permitted to mount their horse whilst under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  6. Junior riders (under 18 years of age) must be under direct supervision of parent/s or guardian/s at all times.
  7. Stallion owners must abide by the EA Stallion Safe Practice Rules & RegulaionsPolicy effective 1 October 2021.  Please familiarise yourself with the requirements as set out on the EA website. Stallions may not be ridden or handled by persons under the age of 18.


Warmup, lunge & competition areas


  1. Only horses entered in the event are permitted in the warm up area
  2. Competition arenas are not to be accessed by riders on the day prior to an event once they have been prepared on penalty of elimination.  Do not enter the arena area if the machinery is working on the arenas.
  3. Competition arenas are not to be accessed by riders on the day of an event except for competition (i.e. no warm up riding). The OC may open an arena for warm up purposes after the last horse has completed its competition on that arena.
  4. Horses wearing rugs, hoods and/or neck rugs are not allowed in the warm up area.
  5. Riders, mounted on their horse, will move from the float area to the warm-up arena at the walk only.
  6. The lungeing area is at the southern boundary fence of the warm-up arena close to the boundary fence. A round yard is provided for competitor use.  Horses must be lunged in a manner that does not disrupt or endanger other horses, competitors or spectators. Lungeing is not allowed in the float area. Be courteous to others.
  7. The warm-up area for the visually impaired is adjacent to the round yard in the warm up area.
  8. Whilst in the warm-up area horses must be ridden in a courteous manner so as not to interfere with other competitors. Disregard for this rule or to any directives from a CDG official &/or a steward may entail elimination from the event.
  9. CDG events are run to a timed draw. Each competitor must be aware of their ride time and be ready to present to the judges immediately the previous rider has completed their test.
  10.  A gear check must be performed immediately after the completion of a rider’s test. Failure to have a gear check after each test will result in elimination.
  11. At M & P, Official and members events competitors must be prepared to ride up to 15 mins ahead of their stated draw time. Riders may ride up into a scratching but not down.
  12. The CDG is not responsible for the organisation of “Callers”. Competitors must make their own arrangements, if callers are permitted.
  13. The CDG takes no responsibility for the condition of a rider’s equipment. The onus is on the rider to ensure their saddlery is in a safe & good condition.
  14. Two bridle numbers must be worn at all times, including the warm-up area, at official competitions and where bridle numbers are in use at our M & P and Members Only events. Minimum size is 3.5 – 4cm.
  15. Public are reminded to stay out of the warmup arena at all times. For insurance purposes this will be enforced. Spectators and riders not mounted must stay on the arena side of the dividing fence away from horses and riders warming up.
  16. Competitors who hire stables from QSEC or day yards from the CDG are responsible for any damage which must be paid for by you. Competitors should check the condition of the site before using it & contact the OC or stable manager if not satisfied.
  17. All manure dropped by your horse must be picked up regardless of where it is. Especially clean up the wash bay area to prevent drain blockage.




CODE OF CONDUCT – Refer to Rule 1.2 of the National Dressage Rules


The Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI) and Equestrian Federation of Australia (EA) expects all those involved in international equestrian sport to adhere to the FEI’s/EA’s Code of Conduct and to acknowledge and accept that at all times the welfare of the horse must be paramount and must never be subordinated to competitive or commercial influences.


  1. At all stages during the preparation and training of competition horses, welfare must take precedence over all other demands. This includes good horse management, training methods, farriery and tack, and transportation.
  2. Horses and competitors must be fit, competent and in good health before they are permitted to compete. This encompasses medication use, surgical procedures that threaten welfare or safety, pregnancy in mares and the misuse of aids.
  3. Events must not prejudice horse welfare. This involves paying careful attention to the competition areas, ground surfaces, weather conditions, stabling, site safety and fitness of the horse for onward travel after the event.
  4. Every effort must be made to ensure that horses receive proper attention after they have competed and that they are treated humanely when their competition careers are over. This covers proper veterinary care, competition injuries, euthanasia and retirement.

The FEI/EA urges all involved with the sport to attain the highest levels of education in their areas of expertise relevant to the care and management of the competition horse.

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  • Phone: +61 7 3118 9555
  • Office Hours: 9am - 5pm Monday - Friday
  • E-Mail: [email protected]

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