Bungendore Riding Club presents
September 29th Training Day
Bungendore Show +/- STARCC Practice Day
Riders of all levels are welcome to attend Bungendore Riding Club’s next club day.
Start at 8.30 - everyone help with setting up
9.30 am - Split up into groups based on YHRR level chosen.
Groups will then cycle through all options together - You can sit options out but you should still go around with your group - it's good training for the horses!
Group sessions will be ~50 mins to an hour
(i.e. 9.30 to 10.30 - 10.30 to 11.30 then Show Prep Tips and Practice + LUNCH and then final groups after lunch ~12.45 - 1.45)
Groups will be cycling through:
- Sporting with Dave - main arena
Back by popular demand, Dave is lending his time to show you some skills in the sporting field.
- Flat Work (riding position and exercises focusing on accuracy and transitions and paces) with Adele Clark (EA Introductory Coach) - sand arena 2
Adele Clark has been a Pony Club NSW coach since she was 21 years old and a newly accredited Equestrian Australia introductory coach. Coaching is a much-loved passion for Adele; she truly believes there is a unique relationship between horse and rider that helps build confidence both in the saddle and in life itself.
- Young Horse, Rusty Rider (YHRR) Activities with Heather - Covered arena
If you're just venturing back into riding, wanting to bring your horse back into work or you just want to bring your horse along for a day out riding with fellow Club Members. Enter into the YHRR group which sounds like it will best suit your desires and skills:
Group 1. Ground work and maybe ride - Participants will carry out ground work exercises (with horses saddled ready to ride) and if safe a few ridden exercises which people can practice at home.
Group 2. Walk/trot and maybe test canter - Riders in this group will mainly walk and trot flat work exercises. Come to the arena saddled ready to ride (but not mounted).
Group 3. Walk/Trot and Canter - Riders will enjoy different exercises to allow the horses to become familiar and comfortable working in a group environment. Arrive saddled but no need to be warmed up. We will start at the walk first.
ONE group entry per horse/rider combination.
Show Preparation tips/practice and Lunch (BBQ) over at the yards nearest the containers.
Everyone is to help with packing up - gear to be put away by 3pm
Entry fee is $30 for the day - this is for YHRR, sporting, flat work and show preparation. Your YHRR group choice will determine the groups that you complete the other activities with.
You may also bring your horse down for the floating practice and exposure and hang about with us but not participate in the group activities - this can be in hand or ridden - dressage arena 1 is free for riding - registration is essential - $10
LUNCH is separate at a cost of $10 - there will be a vegetarian option - please choose your option on the entry form. If you have dietary requirements outside these options please email the club. You are also welcome to bring your own lunch.
Heather Nicholson will be Lead for this day - all enquiries via email to the club please - [email protected].
This is a regular Club member day; relaxed, fun, friendly, supportive and encouraging is our focus.

We will be using the covered arena for Heather's groups, the sand arenas for Adele's groups and free choice riding and part of the main arena for Dave's sporting ONLY.
The SJ paddock and XC course are NOT part of the BRC activities and should not be used.
Entrance for all vehicles is via the second entrance on Matthews Lane. Please park responsibly.
If you cannot make it for any reason, please let us know - Prior to the day use the club email - ON the day via TEXT message to 0421 272 128.