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Event Type: Dressage

CWDG Official and Closed Unrestricted Competition 15th Sept 2024

Blayney Showground

Central Western Dressage Group Inc
12:00 PM
12:00 AM

CWDG Official & Closed Unrestricted Competition

🗓️Sunday 15th September 2024

📍 Marshalls Lane, Blayney Showground


Event Details:

  • Registration: Entries must be submitted by Friday, 6th September 2024. No late entries will be accepted.
  • Membership Offer: CWDG Club members receive a $5.00 discount per entry. Ensure your club number is included on the Nominate entry form to receive this discount. To join CWDG, click here for the membership form.



  • Food and Beverages: Provided by Cook Wook Wong Food Van.
  • Arenas: State of the art indoor and three outdoor sand arenas.
  • Wash bay: Plenty of wash bays so you don’t have to wait for that one person who is a bit of a water baby!
  • Booking Yards: Cattle Yards and PC Yards must be pre-booked and purchased if required for the day.
  • Manure Disposal: Please deposit all manure from yards and next to floats into the concrete bunker on the eastern side near the cattle yards. Wheelbarrows and tools are provided.


Competition Classes:

  • Official Competitions:
    • Preliminary: 1.2, 1.3
    • Novice: 2.2, 2.3
    • Elementary: 3.2, 3.3
    • Medium: 4.2, 4.4
  • Closed Unrestricted Competitions:
    • Para Grand Prix: A, B
    • Preparatory: 1, 2
    • Preliminary: 1.2, 1.3
    • Novice: 2.2, 2.3
  • Closed Restricted Competitions:
    • Advanced: 5.2, 5.3
    • FEI Classes: Prix St. George, Intermediate A, Intermediate I, Intermediate II, Intermediate B, Grand Prix 


Awards: Ribbons will be presented for places 1-6. For Non-Offficial Classes, awards will include categories for Young Riders, Open and Ponies in Preparatory, Preliminary and Novice classes.

# Class Status Notes Test Fee
Official Competition - Open to all EA Competitor members
Number:expand_more01 Class: Official Preliminary 1.2 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Preliminary 1.2 Fee: $50.00
Number:expand_more02 Class: Official Preliminary 1.3 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Preliminary 1.3 Fee: $50.00
Number:expand_more03 Class: Official Novice 2.2 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Novice 2.2 Fee: $50.00
Number:expand_more04 Class: Official Novice 2.3 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Novice 2.3 Fee: $50.00
Number:expand_more05 Class: Official Elementary 3.2 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Elementary 3.2 Fee: $50.00
Number:expand_more06 Class: Official Elementary 3.3 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Elementary 3.3 Fee: $50.00
Number:expand_more07 Class: Official Medium 4.2 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Medium 4.2 Fee: $50.00
Number:expand_more08 Class: Official Medium 4.3 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Medium 4.3 Fee: $50.00
Number:expand_more09 Class: CLOSED RESTRICTED Advanced 5.2 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Advanced 5.2 Fee: $40.00
Number:expand_more10 Class: CLOSED RESTRICTED Advanced 5.3 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Advanced 5.3 Fee: $40.00
Number:expand_more17a Class: Official Para Grade 111 Grand Prix A Status: Open Notes: Test: FEI Para Grade III Grand Prix A Fee: $50.00
Number:expand_more17b Class: Official Para Grade 111 Grand Prix B Status: Open Notes: Test: FEI Para Grade III Grand Prix B Fee: $50.00
Closed Unrestricted - CWDG, EA & Participant Members
Number:expand_more18 Class: Closed Unrestricted Preparatory 1 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Prep Test 1 Fee: $40.00
Number:expand_more19 Class: Closed Unrestricted Preparatory 2 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Prep Test 2 Fee: $40.00
Number:expand_more20 Class: Closed Unrestricted Prelim 1.2 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Preliminary 1.2 Fee: $40.00
Number:expand_more21 Class: Closed Unrestricted Preliminary 1.3 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Preliminary 1.3 Fee: $40.00
Number:expand_more22 Class: Closed Unrestricted Novice 2.2 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Novice 2.2 Fee: $40.00
Number:expand_more23 Class: Closed Unrestricted Novice 2.3 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Novice 2.3 Fee: $40.00
Number:expand_more30 Class: CR Prix St-Georges Status: Open Notes: Test: FEI Prix St George (2022) Fee: $40.00
Number:expand_more31 Class: CR Inter I Status: Open Notes: Test: FEI Intermediate I (2022) Fee: $40.00
Number:expand_more32 Class: CR Inter A Status: Open Notes: Test: FEI Intermediate A (2022) Fee: $40.00
Number:expand_more33 Class: CR Inter B Status: Open Notes: Test: FEI Intermediate B (2022) Fee: $40.00
Number:expand_more34 Class: CR Inter II Status: Open Notes: Test: FEI Intermediate II (2022) Fee: $40.00
Number:expand_more35 Class: CR Grand Prix Status: Open Notes: Test: FEI Grand Prix (2022) Fee: $40.00

Event Notes

$20.00 per day
$15 per Day

Contact Details

Debbi Smith
0456 248 400
Linda Krogh
0449 716 680
Beth Maclean
0419 264 629
[email protected]




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Nominate PTY Ltd

  • Phone: +61 7 3118 9555
  • Office Hours: 9am - 5pm Monday - Friday
  • E-Mail: [email protected]

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