Hosted by Huntingfield Pony & Riding Club
Sunday 13th April 2025
The Inter School Horse Trials (Schools One Day Event) was first held in June 1970 and is a very unique equestrian event organised each year by one of the Southern Zone Pony Clubs. The event in its 55th year has a great deal of history and in its peak catered for well over 100 riders very keen to take the one of the four major trophies back to their high school/college.
This year the event will be held on Sunday 13th April 2025 at the Huntingfield Grounds, 152 Howden Road, Howden.
This year we are offering:
SCHOOLS COMPETITION (Riders competing at levels grade 1-4):
High School Teams (years 7-10): 4 riders per team
College Teams (years 11-13): 4 riders per team
For schools unable to make up a full team, we will put these riders in a scramble / composite team. All riders will do the same Dressage Test - EvA Test B 80cm 2020.
Primary School Divsion (Years 3-6). Whilst there will not be a trophy to compete for in Primary School, these grades will have the opportunity to collect a ribbon from 1st to 4th in their individual school grade (competing in grades 3-5).
Individual Riders: Riders ineligible for the above categories may enter their chosen grade (grade 1-5) as an Individual (training day) but will not be eligible for School teams or awards.
Grade 1-4 Riders in these Divisions will also do the EvA Test B 80cm 2020 Dressage Test, Grade 5 will do the EvA Test B 45&60cm Dressage Test.
DRESS: Neat & Tidy Riding attire (or PC uniform, however not compulsory as not riding for the Club).
Only High School / College Teams are eligible for the trophies.
Individuals in high school or college who are not competent at Grades 1-4 may enter Grade 5 however will not be eligible for the Teams Trophies and will need to enter as an Individual.
Ribbons will be up for grabs for the Individual Division also.
This information will be sent to all Southern Primary Schools along with High Schools and Colleges. Riders should liasie with their School Sports Co-ordinators and obtain support for entering the event as a representative of the School, although this event is run under Pony Club (and is not a 'school' event as such).
If a School agrees to pay the entry fees for their students, this needs to be worked out between the School and the Student.
One entry per rider is required. Riders may enter two horses but must nominate their preferred horse for their School Team (the second horse may be also be eligble for the Team, if no other rider is displaced from a Team to accommodate a second horse, otherwise they will be in the Individual Competition).
ENTRY FEE: $90.00 per rider / horse (includes ambulance levy and ground hire fee).
INSURANCE: All riders must be a current financial member of a Pony Club or an affilated Club of Equestrian Australia.
DRESSAGE TEST: Grades 1-4: 80cm: EvA Test B 80 2020 https://www.equestrian.org.au/sites/default/files/4.Ev-Test-B-80-2020.pdf
Grade 5: EvA Test B 45 & 60 2020
START TIME: 9am. Course walks will commence at 8am & 10am (TBC)
CLOSE OF ENTRIES: Sunday 6th April, midnight.
PENALTIES: There will be 10 penalties carried by combinations who competed in Grade 1 at the 2025 State Pony Club Trials. Horse and rider combinations that have competed regularly at Grade 3 or above will be expected to ride in the grade they regulalry compete in.
SCHOOL REPRESENTIVE: Each school must nominate an adult in charge and any disputes or protests must be made to the organisers by that person only. This can be a parent or school representative.
ELIMINATION: Riders that have been elimininated in any of the phases (subject to a medical / horse check) may ride in the rest of the phases but will carry a 250 point penalty. This then allows all teams to be considered in the final scores. It must be noted however, that if a rider is eliminated for a fall or injury, whether that rider is permitted to compete in the competition is at the discretion of the organisers.
TEAMS: High School / College Teams consist of 4 riders. High School teams must all be in years 7-10. College teams must all be in years 11 or 12 (or 13). Composite: any combination of the above from a high school/college. All riders in the Teams must be entered in grades 1-4 (grade 5 riders and Primary School riders are not eligible for Teams).
SCRAMBLE / COMPOSITE TEAMS: High School and College riders that cannot make up a full team (or a 2nd team as the case may be) will be allocated to a scramble or composite team. School Co-ordiators or Riders may advise a preference as to who they'd like to be scrambled with.
DRESS: Students are representing their School and as such, are required to wear School uniform if applicable - jumper, shirt & tie for dressage & SJ (or neat and tidy alternative) and sports / active top for XC.
Individuals may wear neat & tidy riding attire as appropriate. Pony Club uniform is fine also (but not compulsory as not officially representing club).
HELPERS: Each rider must nominate a helper on the day. No helper, no ride.