Townsville Business Development Centre

Member Registration

Member Details

Business Address

Mailing Address


Other information

Have you previously been a member with TBDC? *
Do you have a current business website? If not and would like assistance in developing one, please type "YES"
What industry best describes your business? *
How many employees (including yourself) do you have? *
What is your forecasted annual turnover for 2018-2019
Are the details of your business able to be listed publicly (TBDC Website) *
If yes, please upload your logo
If yes, please provide a brief summary of your business (30 words max) to inclusion on TBDC website
Please tick this box if you do not want your business contact details shared with other TBDC members
Are you a member of any other groups or associations?Example: Townsville Chamber, Townsville Enterprise, Master Builders, REIQ, Law Society
Secondary Contact Name
Secondary Contact Position
Secondary Contact Email
Secondary Contact Mobile
Please list any other team member email addresses to receive newsletters and updates from TBDC. Note: Domain names must be the same as the primary account holder

Email address is already assigned to a member,
please use an alternative email address.

You appear to be an existing member.
Do you want to renew your membership?

Aged pension membership is for members over 65 years.
Please choose another membership type or correct your date of birth.