Bellingen Valley Working Equitation Inc

Registration Information

Bellingen Valley Working Equitation Club

,Welcome to Bellingen Valley Working Equitation

PLEASE NOTE: If you are upgrading a Day Membership or signing up for an annual membership during the membership year (July 2024 - June 2025), there is a pop up question on the sign up form that asks if you are an exisiting member.  Please tick 'no' at this point, this question is only 'yes' if you are renewing an annual membership before the end of the membership year (June 2024) otherwise you are not yet an existing member - a few people have had trouble at this point when upgrading but a Day Membership is only current for that day. 

Bellingen Valley Working Equitation is a group of horse lovers and riders and is now into its 5th year. We meet at Bellingen Showground on the fourth Sunday of each month for fun, friendship and training, with the occasional competition. Our members range from experienced riders and horses through to beginners, young riders and young horses. Our aim is to support and encourage each other through the horsemanship journey and build on our skills. Working Equitation is perfect for this as it involves 4 phases of riding disciplines – Dressage, Style Obstacles (known as Maneability), Speed Obstacles and Cattle Penning, with levels ranging from lead line through to one handed at the canter. We are at the start of our membership year so now is a good time to join for the year ($60) or come along for a day, as we also offer day membership ($15). For more information about our training days and membership go to our Facebook page - Bellingen Valley Working Equitation.

For Events and Club Information find us on facebook -

For Rules and Tests see our National Body Website -