🦄Rehearsal Day 16th March 🐴
With the ANWE Qld calender making a start, we are well and truly into training season. This year, we are planning to hold days for you to practice before our Working Equitation competitions. This is your Rehearsal Day!
The plan is simple, everything you need to do at the competitions, will be explained and available for you to practice at these days. This means you will get to practice:
✅️Ease of Handling
✅️Speed obstacles
✅️Job requirements
✅️Learning your dressage test
✅️And more in future!
⚠️You will enter in the class level you are currently competing at, and will be provided with ride times. ⚠️
We will have at least one judge observing the obstacle phases, they will provide feedback following your ride.
The dressage ring will be set up, please arrive and ride at your time. We won't be shuffling times on the day.
Job requirements will be outlined and there will be opportunity for you to practice. Please note, in order to run this event, everyone will have a 15 minute job for the day.
This is a relaxed day for you to have a practice of the real thing, can't wait to see you there! Nominations open now on nominate, draw and maps will be posted on the 13th.
Happy training!