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Event Type: Dressage

Trollspeilet - A complete approach to horsemanship, biomechanics, and riding

Riding With Sticks

Riding With Sticks
12:00 AM
12:00 AM
07/02/2025 – please note a late fee will apply after the original closing date

Riding With Sticks is proud to host Trollspeilet! Hanne and Pelle are some of our 'riding heroes'. They run regular Facebook Live video sessions and offer some of their wisdom to anyone who wishes to watch it - and what wisdom it is! We are so excited to be able to bring them in person to Australia for this exclusive opportunity.

Who are Trollspeilet?

Hanne is a previous cybernetics engineer, who has been riding since 1968, mostly focusing on dressage. In 2001, she was riding intermediate dressage but was stopped in her progress by severe lower back pain when riding.

Then she met Pelle, an athlete with experience in American football, underwater rugby, motorbikes, weightlifting, BMX bike racing and an education from the Norwegian Millitary - but he had never sat on a moving horse.  When Hanne introduced him to horse riding, he said: “Why on earth are you sitting like that on your horse? It’s not good for your back!”

Since then, they have married, got kids and have helped each other become extraordinary riders and instructors. Hanne teaching Pelle to ride and becoming one of the top jousters in the world.
Pelle teaching Hanne to recover from her pains, only to discover that her troubles were caused by serious problems in her movement patterns. They are still fixing deeper and deeper problems, enabling her to become healthier than ever at an age of 64.

Along the journey of all this, they developed methods of instruction that work for helping all horses and riders, from the injured and chronically pained to the top athletes that just want to polish away annoying details to become even better.

Over these twenty years they have developed a set of systems that help riders achieve lasting, positive change in movement patterns without strain or pain.

Some of these methods include:  
- breaking down each new step so the rider can easily understand
- let the rider practice without interruption in short intervals
- Using proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation techniques and trigger point manipulation to help sorting out difficult problems, stiff muscles and joint issues.

All this forms a system that can give lasting improvement after just one weekend clinic.

They welcome all breeds, and riders from all disciplines, with a focus on the basics of horse and rider biomechanics, strength, balance, suppleness, and general athleticism.

Thus providing a stronger foundation for all riders.

Number Class Status Notes Test Fee
Class: expand_moreRidden Space - Full Clinic (6x Lessons) 1 Number:1Ridden Space - Full Clinic (6x Lessons) Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $585.00
Class: expand_moreFence Sitter - Full Weekend (non ridden attendee) 2 Number:2Fence Sitter - Full Weekend (non ridden attendee) Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $170.00
Class: expand_moreFence Sitter - Saturday Only 3 Number:3Fence Sitter - Saturday Only Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $100.00
Class: expand_moreFence Sitter - Sunday Only 4 Number:4Fence Sitter - Sunday Only Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $100.00

Event Notes

Large Yards
Camping onsite. Power will be available nearby

Contact Details

Rodney Deaman
0415 740 316
Liberty Deaman
0407 390 678
[email protected]


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