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Event Type: Working Equitation

MRWEQ Member's Training SUNDAY 23rd MARCH 2025

Montana's Run

12:00 PM
05:00 PM

SUNDAY 23rd March 2025, 8.30am-2pm

Dressage ring Instructor; Liz Mudd

$70 per rider & horse combination inc subway.

Working on group warm up, obstacles, 

EOH Instructors; Scott Tomlinson & Janet McCormack

Training session will be followed by Lunch Subway Platters

non riders - please enter CLASS #5 for subway $10.

Riders will be split up into training teams with similar horse/ rider combinations where possible, to train together and support each other at the levels they will be competing at in 2024, with a view to helping support each other to move up through the levels of working equitation with progressive training of both horse and rider. 


*It is rider's responsibility to know the updated rulebook (2024). This will be an ANWEL event using the ANWEL dressage tests & updated rule books.   


Which Level is right for you, please follow below link to a free rulebook download, tests and levels.....


  • Level 1 - Introductory - walk / trot everything - the purpose in all phases is to introduce new riders / combinations to the working equitation competition. No canter allowed. No speed events. Can not do cattle/mechanical cow.
  • Level 2 - Preparatory - mainly trot, starting to learn where to canter on course. This level has been introduced for horses who are ready to execute some canter on an Ease of handling course.
  • Level 3 - Preliminary - ease of handling is canter most of the course, progressive transitions and changes of lead.
  • Level 4 - Debutante W/F - introduces walk through changes of lead, counter canter and lateral work (DW) .or Fly changes (DF)


MRWEQ Member's Training Day

Montana’s Run Working Equitation Inc. (MRWEQ) has a dedicated training venue FOR OUR MRWEQ MEMBERS to further the training of horse and rider combinations. We will be focusing our training days on helping our member's, whose goal it is to be actively training for competitions in a fun, supportive and respectful team environment.  Riders will already need to have a good understanding of the WEQ rulebooks, as the training format will be similar to competitions. What's even better, as the club grounds are a dedicated WEQ venue, there will be minimal set-up and pack away for riders.  Our Members can turn up, saddle up, report for gear check  and riders briefing and then ride! 

MRWEQ Memberships are currently available.  To join our club please follow this link:


Riders will be split up into training teams with similar horse/ rider combinations where possible, to train together and support each other at the levels they will be competing at in 2024, with a view to helping support each other to move up through the levels of working equitation with progressive training of both horse and rider. Just like WEQ Competitions, our Training days will be broken up into phases.  

221 Sandy Creek Rd, Mount Vincent

The entrance gate for the property is 2.21km from Leggetts drive intersection on the left hand side (M1 side of the road).  It is just a driveway & gates entrance on Sandy creek rd. There is a white sign on the side of the road with property name "Montana's Run". Follow the long driveway into property. Take the two bends slow and wide with floats/trucks.  When you go over the bridge, go up the hill past the large shade cloth area. Horse floats take the driveway to the left for float parking.  

Training day requirements 

  1. Training days will only be open to riding members of MRWEQ inc. to meet our insurance guidelines. 
  2. You will need to bring sufficient food, water & buckets for your horse. We are on tank water, with no access to town water facilities. We appreciate your understanding in these dry times. Please clean up manure. 
  3. Helmets must be worn and always fastened whilst riding.
  4. No dogs are to be brought with you (there are plenty available on the property for cuddle therapy already).

Cost: $70/horse & rider combination with instructor

Number Class Status Notes Test Fee
Class: expand_moreTraining - Introductory - Walk / Trot only 1 Number:1Training - Introductory - Walk / Trot only Status: 3 left Notes: Test: 2024 ANWE Level 1 Introductory Test 1.1 Fee: $70.00
Class: expand_morePreparatory - Trot and some canter 2 Number:2Preparatory - Trot and some canter Status: 1 left Notes: Test: ANWE Level 2 Preparatory 2.1 2024 Fee: $70.00
Class: expand_morePreliminary - mainly canter course, walk/trot changes 3 Number:3Preliminary - mainly canter course, walk/trot changes Status: 2 left Notes: Test: ANWE Level 3 Preliminary 3.1 2024 Fee: $70.00
Class: expand_moreDebutant W/F 4 Number:4Debutant W/F Status: 1 left Notes: Test: 2024 ANWE Level 4 Debutante W Test 4.1 Fee: $70.00
Class: expand_moreSubway Platter - Lunch - NON-Rider 5 Number:5Subway Platter - Lunch - NON-Rider Status: 9 left Notes: please advise allergies in Notes section Test: Fee: $10.00
Class: expand_moreInstructors / Mentors 6 Number:6Instructors / Mentors Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00

Event Notes


Contact Details

Deb Taylor
[email protected]
Deb Taylor
[email protected]



  • For scratchings due to injury or illness of either horse or rider with vet/doctors certificate before closing date, full refund. 
  • For scratching’s due to other unavoidable reasons, after 7 days prior to the event & before the day of the event, refunds MAY be given at the discretion of the Executive Committee less $10 administration and Nominate fees. Only if position can be filled
  • For all scrachings please email [email protected] as early as possible and at latest by 8pm the day before event.

Event Cancellation:

In the event of the event being cancelled due to weather / COVID, we will attempt to postpone event to new date, or entry fees will be refunded (less $10 nominate & admin fee). Notification will be on Facebook and an email will be sent to all entrants.

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Nominate PTY Ltd

  • Phone: +61 7 3118 9555
  • Office Hours: 9am - 5pm Monday - Friday
  • E-Mail: [email protected]

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