Young Horse Qualifier Competition
Held in conjunction with the Australian Dressage Championships
Saturday, 19 October 2024 (Young Horse)
Riders who have horses entered in the Australian Championships, and have booked stables or day parking etc on the day of the young horse competition with their other entry don't need to re-book stables. Any double up that occur will be refunded.
Any issues
Qualifying Events, one round only. Tests to be ridden, refer EA website
4YO FEI test for 4-year-olds
5YO FEI young horse preliminary test - 5-year-old
6YO FEI young horse preliminary test - 6-year-old
6YO *Pony YH 6 Pony - EA Test - 6 year old Ponies.pdf
7YO YH 7-year-old – EA Adv 5.2 test
Enq: Toni Venhaus – 0418 686 781
Em: [email protected]