Our competition is on next month so it's time to practice! Practice Days are only a test of your training.
Have a go to see what your horse can do or use it as a diagnostic tool so you know what to work on next in your training plan.
There are two phases offered - Dressage and Ease of Handling, there is no Speed phase.
Walk through the full Ease of Handling course at 8am for Training Level with the judge and course designer and again before Competitor Level.
You can ride up to a total of four rounds in any combination of Dressage and/or Ease of Handling at a cost of $25 per round + gf .
You can decide any combination of rides of the Working Dressage test and the Ease of Handling course or just the one or other, e.g. it might be one Dressage test and three EOH courses or two Dressage tests and two EOH courses or just ride 3 EOH courses, your choice. Maximum of 3 rounds of the one phase.
After each Working Dressage test and/or EOH course round, you will receive a score sheet and verbal feedback.
Ride it only once or again immediately or ride it again later.
Times for each rider for each round will be finalised when entries are closed at midnight, Thursday, 3rd April.
This is an opportunity to try the next level or consolidate your level for the May competition. There will be informal voluntary gear checking to set you up for next month's competition if you are unsure of your tack or attire. Indicate if you want gear checking.
You can choose to ride in your competition attire, club attire or your usual training attire (neat and tidy please).
JUDGES are Edwina Webster for Dressage and Margi Weir and Hermine Zielinski for Ease of Handling/Speed
Edwina is a dressage rider and EA Dressage Judge.
Maggie is an accredited Working Equitation judge, ANWEL National Judge Educator, International WAWE Judge Candidate and ANWE WA State President with a passion for Working Equitation.
Levels offered are:
- Introductory (Walk and Trot)
- Preparatory (Walk, Trot and Canter as much as you can between the obstacles as much as you can)
- Preliminary (Walk, Trot and Canter between obstacles and in the obstacle where indicated as much as you can)
- Debutant W (Walk to canter, walk changes)
- Debutant F (Walk to canter, flying changes)
- Consagradas 2 (Walk to canter, flying changes - two handed)
- Consagradas 1 (Walk to canter, flying changes - one handed)
ANWEL Rule book applies, find here at https://anwe.org.au/compete-and-learn/rules-and-tests/
Working Dressage Tests are attached or available from ANWEL website. The Ease of Handling Course Maps will be attached to the email sent to BWE Members notifying of this event and available on the BWE Members Only FB page.
Please bring your own lunch if you are staying, sun screen or rain wear (you never know) for yourselves and your horse. There will be water available at the yards and stables. Please clean up any excess hay and all manure before leaving the yard at the end of your stay.
Yards are on a first come, first served basis and are used at your own risk.
Helmet must be current and EA tagged. If you need your helmet tagged, please advise as Cathy Lydon will be available for helmet tagging.