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Event Type: Clinics

Progressive Training Clinic - Part 1 Harmonising the Forward

Sarah Venamore's Arena

Sarah Venamore
12:00 AM
12:00 AM
07/03/2025 – please note a late fee will apply after the original closing date

Harmonizing the forward
One and a half day clinic based around progressive training from the beginning for all riders.

Please be aware that once you book your spot, if you can't come, you have to fill it with someone else, we don't refund due to food preparation and purchases.

Part 1 - Harmonizing the forward is the first of a series of progressive clinics designed to help riders develop their skill base and ridden training!

With a focus on “forward” detailing what it actually means and how to achieve it in our ridding this clinic is aimed for all riding abilities and styles. Further more through out the practical and theory basis we will focus on a second element of our training methods moving into making “harmony” an important aspect of ridden training to cement a solid foundation of our training model..

We are lucky to have designed this clinic to proceed Leeton Dressage Club day where all riders are encouraged to compete at their given level where both clinic coaches, Sarah Venamore of Equiste and Craig Lucas of CLM Equine will be in attendance to assist active warm-up prior to your test.
Cost $490.00

Included tea breaks and Saturday’s lunch meals

Bookings essential to secure your spot

Number Class Status Notes Test Fee
Class: expand_moreHarmonising the forward (Friday lunchtime to Saturday afternnon and Warm up Sunday) 01 Number:01Harmonising the forward (Friday lunchtime to Saturday afternnon and Warm up Sunday) Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $490.00
Class: expand_moreFence Sit - Full Clinic (Friday and Saturday) -(no riding) - incl food 02 Number:02Fence Sit - Full Clinic (Friday and Saturday) -(no riding) - incl food Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $200.00
Class: expand_moreFence Sitter - Friday Including Materclass (no riding) - Incl food 03 Number:03Fence Sitter - Friday Including Materclass (no riding) - Incl food Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $140.00
Class: expand_moreFencesitter -Friday Masterclass -(no riding) - BYO Drinks and Snacks 04 Number:04Fencesitter -Friday Masterclass -(no riding) - BYO Drinks and Snacks Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreFencesitter - Saturday Clinic - (no riding) - Incl food 05 Number:05Fencesitter - Saturday Clinic - (no riding) - Incl food Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $100.00

Event Notes

Yards - to be cleaned prior to leaving
Covered Yards - to be cleaned prior to leaving
Single stable/yard - to be cleaned prior to leavin
Stables including bedding - to be cleaned prior to

Contact Details

Sarah Venamore
Sarah Venamore
Sarah Venamore
[email protected]


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Nominate PTY Ltd

  • Phone: +61 7 3118 9555
  • Office Hours: 9am - 5pm Monday - Friday
  • E-Mail: [email protected]

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