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Event Type: Dressage

Dressage in the Grove April 2025

Karinya Equestrian Park

09:00 AM
12:00 AM
9.00 am


EA Event

EA & FEI Competitor | Participant & ARC including Elementary

Training Test

Location – Karinya Equestrian Park


Entries for all events will close Sunday 30th of March or earlier if classes are fully subscribed.


Draw – we will endeavour to have the draw emailed to all entrants on or before Tuesday 8th April


Helper Duties - we will endeavour to have this list emailed to all entrants on or before Tuesday 8th April


Competitor Pony & Competitor Horse: 1.1  1.2 | 2.1  2.2 | 3.1  3.2 | 4.1  4.2 | 5.1  5.2 | PSG | Inter I | Inter A & B |Inter II | GP (Please note - Competitor [Official] requires EA Competitive Membership & Licence)


Participant: 1.1  1.2  | 2.1  2.2 (Please note - Participant requires EA Membership and any EA Licensed Competitor riders must ride Hors Concours (HC))

Prep: 2 & 3  

ARC Tests:  1.1  1.2  | 2.1  2.2 | Training Test 3.1 (please note, Participant riders must ride Hors Concours and EA Licensed Competitor riders are not eligible for these classes)

*Please note that those entering ARC test/s must have one (or both) of the following –

  1. EWA ARC membership
  2. OGARC membership

Riders who are members of a different ARC club but not members of EWA will not be eligible to ride ARC at our event. 


Expressions of Interest (EOI) are invited from ARC riders who wish to ride Prep C & or Prep E – please send to [email protected] and we will endeavour to offer you an opportunity to ride these.

OGH&PC Tests:  1.1 | 2.1  Current members of OGH&PC will be eligible to compete at this event. These riders must compete in PC uniform, & must comply with PCAWA gear check rules. Please note, these classes are restricted, so these placings will not count towards the PCAWA Leaderboard.


Entry Fees: 

EA Competitor, Young Horse, Young Pony, Participant Training Tests & Prep Tests

$40.00 per EA Test or FEI Test

DDF Levies: $8.00 for one test per horse, $14.00 for two or more tests per horse

Ground Fee: $10.00 per horse for riders who are not members of OGARC or OGH&PC

Administration Fee: $5.00 per test per day

Helper Fee: $50.00 - each competitor will be charged a helper fee for the event.  These funds contribute to the cost of hiring helpers to run the event.

A limited number of Helper Duties will be available to riders or their supporters (over 15 years of age), if they wish to be paid for doing a Helper Duty.

These duties will be available on a first come first served basis. To receive a refund, you must register on the electronic link for Helper Duties that will be sent to riders, and you must select the task you would like to undertake from options on the link.

These options will include setting up arenas, packing up arenas, marshalling, poo picking/running drinks to officials. 


The Helper will still need to complete the duty if they withdraw/scratch from the competition. To be eligible for a refund, Helpers must register on the electronic link, and report to the office twice –

  • once to sign in just before their allocated Duty, and
  • again immediately after completing their Duty.

ARC & Training Tests

$40.00 per test

Ground Fee: $10.00 per horse per day for riders who are not members of OGARC or OGH&PC

Administration Fee: $5.00 per test per day

Helper Fee: $50.00 - each competitor will be charged a helper fee for the event.  See above for more information.


Conditions of entry


Neither the Organising Committee of any competition to which the EA Rules apply, nor the EA, accept any liability for any accident, damage, injury or illness to horses, owners, riders, grounds, spectators or any other person or property whatsoever.’ (EA Rule 3.3)

  1. Entries will close at 9.00pm on the date listed above or earlier if classes are full.
  2. Conditions of entry - by forwarding an entry to Nominate, the rider acknowledges acceptance & understanding of the Conditions of Entry for this event.
  3. Disclaimer of liability – by attending, riders & other attendees acknowledge acceptance & understanding that they participate in this event at their own risk.
  4. Rules - these events will be conducted in accordance with the current EA National Dressage Rules & EA General Regulations.
  5. Levels - a horse or pony can enter no more than 2 consecutive EA levels & compete in a maximum of 2 EA tests per day.
  6. One horse, one rider - no horse may compete with 2 riders.
  7. Provisional Draw & Provisional Helper Duties - the Organising Committee (OC) will endeavour to post these on or before the Tuesday prior to the event
  8. Final Draw & Helper Duties – there will be one Final Draw. The OC will endeavour to post both documents on or before the Wednesday prior to the event
  9. Rights of OCs – ‘OCs have the right to cancel any class or event, to divide any class, to alter advertised times, to refuse any entry, to transfer athletes between sections of a class, to alter or amend the schedule as the OC sees fit’ (Article 109, Section 4 in the EA General Regulations). Authority to determine eligibility of horse and/or rider for competition – ‘EA or an affiliated organisation conducting dressage competitions on behalf of EA shall be empowered to refuse any entry, with or without stating reasons. They shall be the sole judges of the eligibility of any horse or rider to compete in any particular level and may transfer any entry of any such horse or rider to any lower or higher-ranking level’ (Article 4.1 in the current EA Dressage Rule Book).
  10. First come best served’ - entries will be on a ‘first come best served’ basis. Once classes fill, if they wish to enter, competitors must apply by email on [email protected] to go on a Waiting List.
  11. Late entries – competitors who wish to be accepted for a late entry must email a request to [email protected] The OC will endeavour to accommodate requests for late entries on the Waiting List. Late entry applicants will be contacted & invoiced if an appropriate space becomes available before publication of the draw.  The OC reserves the right to impose conditions, for example restricting the number of late entry tests a competitor is accepted for. Late entry payment – competitors who have their wait listed entries accepted must pay the full entry fees & transmit proof of payment at least 24 hours prior to the commencement of the event.
  12. Caution Cards – This event is a ‘Goodwill’ event. The OC appreciates the valuable contribution volunteers & officials make to our sport. It supports the mantra: ‘Respect volunteers & officials’. Where a participant or supporter breaches the EA Code of Conduct, Caution Cards will be issued & details noted.
  13. Breaches of EA Code of Conduct - any rider, groom or spectator who breaches any EA Code of Conduct either at or in relation to this dressage event (this includes social media) may be refused entry, along with their connections, to future Dressage in the Grove events (EA General Regulations).
  14. Enquiries about draws, schedules etc – please direct enquiries to [email protected] to give the OC an opportunity to amend any relevant document.
  15. Enquiries at the event - enquiries must be directed to personnel in the office at the event, NOT OC members who are preparing to compete or who are warming down or otherwise attending to a horse’s needs.
  16. Scoring – any query regarding scoring must be referred to the OC. Under no circumstances are competitors or their connections to approach scorers directly.
  17. Protests – any issues must be lodged in writing during the event as per the EA General Regulations, Article 163.
  18. Ponies - on the day, the rider must be able to provide a current, valid EA Height Certificate showing they do not exceed 149cm with shoes, 148cm without shoes if asked.
  19. EA stallion rules - the current EA stallion rules must be followed
  20. Alterations - the program may be altered subject to the organisers’ discretion.
  21. Helper Fee - each rider will be charged a Helper Fee, payable on entry. Limited positions helping for payment will be available. Helpers are to be over 15 years of age. Helpers must report to the office before their allocated duty to sign in. Helper Fees will be refunded via Nominate once Nominate releases funds.
  22. Timing - subtle adjustments to timing of a class may occur as a consequence of, for example, a scratching, a multiple horse rider clash or an unwell judge. Any change will be emailed to competitors. It is the competitor’s responsibility to provide a correct email address for notification of any change to the draw.
  23. Saddlery, clothing & equipment - it is the competitor’s responsibility to comply with the EA rules.

Riders must wear an approved, secured, EA tagged helmet whenever mounted on a horse.

  1. Swabbing - may take place.
  2. Withdrawals and refunds - if a rider finds that he/she must withdraw from a class, and wants to claim a refund, the rider must apply in writing for a refund. 

a)  Entry fees will be refunded in full for withdrawals before the closing date of entries. Please apply directly to Nominate.

b) Entry fees will not be refunded after the closing date of entries unless a medical or veterinary certificate is produced within 24 hours of the completion of the event. In such cases, riders should email [email protected] , and 50% of all fees paid to the club will be refunded.  The refund may not include fees paid to the website hosting the event entry or the financial organisation handling fee payments.

  1. Arena familiarisation – may be held prior to the first test commencing & may be held during a break. More details will be supplied on the draw.
  2. Riding or handling horses – horses must be entered in a competition on the day to be eligible to be ridden or handled at this event. Exceptions may be allowed if written permission is obtained from the OC.
  3. Coaching in the warmup – for safety, coaches must be positioned outside the warm up space. Coaching must not disturb other riders’ warm up.    Coaches may use audio sets or wait till the rider halts near them so they can speak at a low volume to the rider.


  1. Postponement, alteration of start times owing to hot weather, or cancellation of events – although it is unlikely, under certain circumstances it may be deemed necessary to postpone or cancel part of, or all, one or more events on a day or days for reasons of health & safety (eg extreme weather or a bio-security issue).  On such occasions, to defray costs, the OC may choose not to refund entry fees. Insuring against postponement or cancellation is expensive, & the OC do not believe they can justify charging higher entry fees to cover insurance against such remote possibilities. Examples of situations where postponement or cancellation could occur would be extreme weather forecasts by the Bureau of Meteorology such as gale force winds or lightning, or an outbreak of disease such as Covid, Equine Influenza or Hendra Virus. The decision to alter start times, postpone or cancel would be taken by the OC in consultation with the President of the Ground Jury. It is the responsibility of the competitor who enters to check if start times have been altered in the case of hot weather.
  2. Riders &/or owners whose entries have been accepted, undertake to indemnify the OC against all claims, losses, suits, and damages made against or suffered by the OC by reason of any negligent act or omission on the part of any riders, trainers or attendants whilst they are attending, riding or otherwise handling a horse, and agree that any act or omission on the part of such riders or attendants found in any action against the OC to be negligent, shall be deemed to have been negligent for the purpose of any claim under this indemnity. By attending, riders & other attendees acknowledge acceptance & understanding that they participate in this event at their own risk. Neither the OC, nor their appointed officials accept any liability for any accident, theft or illness to horses, riders, grooms or any person or property whatsoever.
  3. Yards – some yards may be reserved for use by the OC.
  4. Lungeing - may only be carried out in the area designated for lungeing at the event. The lungeing of a rider mounted in the saddle is not permitted anywhere at an event (EA Rule)
  5. Dogs – strictly no dogs allowed.
  6. Catering – food and drinks will be available for purchase at the event.



Number Class Status Notes Test Fee
Competitor Horse & Pony Classes
Class: expand_morePrelim 1.1 01 Number:01Prelim 1.1 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Preliminary 1.1 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_morePony Prelim 1.1 01.1 Number:01.1Pony Prelim 1.1 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Preliminary 1.1 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_morePrelim 1.2 02 Number:02Prelim 1.2 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Preliminary 1.2 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_morePony Prelim 1.2 02.1 Number:02.1Pony Prelim 1.2 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Preliminary 1.2 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreNovice 2.1 03 Number:03Novice 2.1 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Novice 2.1 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_morePony Novice 2.1 03.1 Number:03.1Pony Novice 2.1 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Novice 2.1 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreNovice 2.2 04 Number:04Novice 2.2 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Novice 2.2 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_morePony Novice 2.2 04.1 Number:04.1Pony Novice 2.2 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Novice 2.2 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreElementary 3.1 05 Number:05Elementary 3.1 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Elementary 3.1 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_morePony Elementary 3.1 05.1 Number:05.1Pony Elementary 3.1 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Elementary 3.1 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreElementary 3.2 06 Number:06Elementary 3.2 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Elementary 3.2 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_morePony Elementary 3.2 06.1 Number:06.1Pony Elementary 3.2 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Elementary 3.2 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreMedium 4.1 07 Number:07Medium 4.1 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Medium 4.1 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_morePony Medium 4.1 07.1 Number:07.1Pony Medium 4.1 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Medium 4.1 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreMedium 4.2 08 Number:08Medium 4.2 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Medium 4.2 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_morePony Medium 4.2 08.1 Number:08.1Pony Medium 4.2 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Medium 4.2 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreAdvanced 5.1 09 Number:09Advanced 5.1 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Advanced 5.1 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_morePony Advanced 5.1 09.1 Number:09.1Pony Advanced 5.1 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Advanced 5.1 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreAdvanced 5.2 10 Number:10Advanced 5.2 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Advanced 5.2 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_morePony Advanced 5.2 10.1 Number:10.1Pony Advanced 5.2 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Advanced 5.2 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_morePrix St Georges 10.2 Number:10.2Prix St Georges Status: Open Notes: Test: FEI Prix St George (2022) Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreIntermediate A 10.3 Number:10.3Intermediate A Status: Open Notes: Test: FEI Intermediate A (2022) Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreIntermediate B 10.4 Number:10.4Intermediate B Status: Open Notes: Test: FEI Intermediate B (2022) Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreIntermediate II 10.5 Number:10.5Intermediate II Status: Open Notes: Test: FEI Intermediate II (2022) Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreIntermediate I 10.6 Number:10.6Intermediate I Status: Open Notes: Test: FEI Intermediate I (2022) Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreGrand Prix 10.7 Number:10.7Grand Prix Status: Open Notes: Test: FEI Grand Prix (2022) Fee: $40.00
Participant Classes
Class: expand_morePrelim 1.1 11 Number:11Prelim 1.1 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Preliminary 1.1 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_morePrelim 1.2 12 Number:12Prelim 1.2 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Preliminary 1.2 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreNovice 2.1 13 Number:13Novice 2.1 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Novice 2.1 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreNovice 2.2 14 Number:14Novice 2.2 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Novice 2.2 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_morePrep 1 15 Number:15Prep 1 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Prep Test 1 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_morePrep 2 16 Number:16Prep 2 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Prep Test 2 Fee: $40.00
ARC Tests (EA ARC Members or OGARC members ONLY)
Class: expand_morePrep1 18b Number:18bPrep1 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Prep Test 1 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_morePrep2 18c Number:18cPrep2 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Prep Test 2 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_morePrelim 1.1 19 Number:19Prelim 1.1 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Preliminary 1.1 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_morePrelim 1.2 20 Number:20Prelim 1.2 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Preliminary 1.2 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreNovice 2.1 21 Number:21Novice 2.1 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Novice 2.1 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreNovice 2.2 22 Number:22Novice 2.2 Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreElementary 3.1 Training Test 23 Number:23Elementary 3.1 Training Test Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Elementary 3.1 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_morePrelim 1.1 24 Number:24Prelim 1.1 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Preliminary 1.1 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreNovice 2.1 25 Number:25Novice 2.1 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Novice 2.1 Fee: $40.00

Event Notes

Camping $10/ night

Contact Details

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]


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Nominate PTY Ltd

  • Phone: +61 7 3118 9555
  • Office Hours: 9am - 5pm Monday - Friday
  • E-Mail: [email protected]

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