Park Ridge Pony Club Sporting Gymkhana
(Competitors may be asked to produce proof of 2025 PCQ or PCA Membership.)
8.30am Saturday 17th May 2025
Address: 117 Judith Street, Crestmead 4132 PIC: QBLG0271
Gates Open: 6:30am
Entries Open: 1th March 2025 – 8.00am
Entries Close: 11th May 2025 Midnight or until capacity reached.
Late nominations: will only be accepted if entry cap is not reached and will incur a $10 admin fee.
Nomination: $30.00 per horse and rider combination – Via Nominate
Stabling: $20 + $30 Cleaning bond- nominate only - Venue Introduction
Camping Fee:
$20 Unpowered / $30 Powered PER vehicle
Enquiries: Angela McGillivray 0422 603 465
Bending Barrels Flag Race
Keyhole Bounce Pony Running Tee
Sporting Fig 8 Drum & Peg The Box
Prizes: Ribbons 1st to 5th place in each event and Plaques 1st to 5th place overall in each class.
Assisted groups are non-competitive: Ribbons will be given to all non-competitive riders with take-home gift or memorial.
Barrels at $5 per run with a maximum of 2 runs. Only first place will be rewarded 75% of proceeds. 12 & Under and 13 and Over age groups. This event will be held at the end of the sporting events.
Rules: - PCAQ Rules apply.
Two Horse Rule: At the discretion of the organising committee, riders may enter 2 horses in the following way:
• Riders may enter two horses in the same age group
• Both horses must be fully mounted to avoid any loss of time by swapping gear at each event
• Each horse may gain qualifying results
• Each horse will be placed in its class and is eligible for overall awards
• 2nd horse to be held by a competent person
HPHD: Horse and Participation Health Declarations to be handed in prior to the event
Weather: In case of bad weather please check Facebook page
Refunds: Will be made providing the organising body is advised of the scratching before the commencement of the event and a written request including a vet or doctors certificate is sent to the organising committee within a week of the event. A 10% administration fee may be retained by the organising committee to cover administration costs.
Protests: Any protests must be accompanied by a fee of $50 cash and lodged within 15 minutes of the competition of the disputed event. Should the protest be dismissed to fee will not be refunded.
Code of Conduct: PCAQ and Park Ridge Pony Club Code of Conduct will be in effect. Excessive use of a whip, bad language, disrespect to judges, stewards & officials and riding in a dangerous manner will all lead to disqualification on the day.
Reservation of Rights: The organising committee reserves the right to;
• cancel any class or event
• to divide any class
• to alter advertised times
• to refuse any entry, with or without stating the reason
• to transfer competitors between sections of a class
• to combine classes if less than 3 competitors.
The organising committee reserves the right to combine or split classes according to the number of nominations and alters or amends the program as necessary.
Riders compete at own risk. Judge’s decision is final.
All events will be run in accordance with PCQ Sporting Rules 2025 and PCA National Gear Rules
Park Ridge Pony Club reserves the right to alter the program without prior notice.
Disclaimer: - Neither the organising committee of any contest to which these rules apply, nor the PCQ, accept any liability for any accident, damage, injury or illness to horses, owners, riders, ground, spectators or any other person or property whatsoever.
- No Dogs Allowed