TRAINING DAY - SUNDAY 27 October 2024
We look forward to seeing you at our next training day.
Registraion 8:30am
Setup 9am. Arrive early enough to settle your horse and meet us on the Showgrounds to help set up the course.
We will have groups of people and obstacles in the morning, as well as a dressage arena setup to practice dressage tests.
Later in the day you will have the opportunity to practice the whole course should you want to.
Camping available at the Showgrounds. Booking via Nominate
You must be a member of the club to register for the event. Yearly membership $60, or if you are a member of another club $30
Don't forget your ANWE membership if you have not got it yet ($25) (Australian Working Equitation Association)
Bellingen Show Ground, Hammond St, Bellingen NSW 2454
Enquiries. Lou 0438618873 or Chery Balcomb l 0413 472 125
or [email protected]