NHC Trail ride - The Avenue 27/07/2024

The Avenue

The Northern Hunt Club
10:00 AM
09:00 AM
27/07/2024 – please note a late fee will apply after the original closing date
9am for 10am start

We are meeting at The Avenue at Elizabeth Town again this Saturday for another fun trail ride!  There will be a "fast" ride - not quite hunt speed but lots of canter, and a "slow" ride at walk and trot enjoying this wonderful property.  This is a great chance for North West Coasters in particular and any other interested new riders to get a feel for hunting without the full on excitement of following hounds.  There are lots of small jumps to enjoy if you choose, particularly on the runs through the bush.

ADDRESS:  Avenue Road, Elizabeth Town 7304 (maps available on the Facebook event page).

Gates will be open from 9am with riders asked to be ready to depart at 10am.

We won't have the BBQ trailer there, but we will have a portable hot plate available.


***All riders and supporters are to please write their name and horse's name in our hunt register***


PLEASE NOTE; ALL riders must enter via Nominate this season, even if a season ticket or 6 ride ticket has been purchased. We also ask all land owners to enter via Nominate to ensure all riders are accounted for on the day. A late fee will apply for entries made after closing time.



Membership:  Membership of the Northern Hunt Club costs $50 and gives access to discounted ride fees.  Note: Membership, season tickets and 6-ride tickets are paid by direct debit to the hunt club (see details on the membership form, available from the facebook page or secretary, which must be completed and returned to northernhuntclub@gmail.com).

Ride Fees:  Members may purchase a season ticket (all hunts and trail rides, excluding special events) or a 6-ride ticket (6 hunts or trail rides with discounted top up fee per ride after that) by direct deposit.  


Alternatively, pay per ride by entering through Nominate: 

Members hunt ($35) or trail ride ($25);

Non-members hunt ($45) or trail ride ($35).  

Membership:  $50 per person (direct deposit)

Season ride ticket (members only, all hunts and trail rides excluding special events):  $350 (direct deposit)

6 ride ticket (members only, 6 hunts or trail rides):  $180

Members' casual ride ticket:  $35 hunt, $25 trail ride (Nominate)

Non-members' casual ride ticket:  $45 hunt, $35 trail ride (Nominate)



Member - trail ride
Non-member - trail ride
Member - 6 ride ticket
ONLY members who have paid for a 6 ride ticket
Member - Season Ticket
Land Owner

Event Notes

Contact Details

Heidi Behrens
0418 123 325
Heidi Behrens
0418 123 325
Heidi Behrens
0418 123 325



The Northern Hunt Club has been a drag hunt bringing an experience similar to British or Irish Fox hunting to Tasmania since its inception in 1953.  The aim of riding to hounds is for a group of disciplined horses and riders to enjoy a day of non-competitive riding following hounds across country in a congenial atmosphere.  The pride we show in our Club is reflected in the attitude and presentation of members and their horses.

We are generously allowed the use of hunt properties across Northern Tasmania from Elizabeth Town to Epping Forest.  A Facebook event page is created for each hunt including all details, and the red hunt club flag will be displayed at the entrance to each property on hunt days.  Out of respect for property owners, please do not bring dogs or hay to hunts.  

Hunting generally starts at 11am, after morning tea and registration from 10am when the property gates are opened.  The Master will call for riders to mount and warm up their horses around 10.45am and at 11am will welcome all riders and give instructions for the day.  The hunt sets off soon after.  Spectators are welcome to follow the hunt in 4WD vehicles.

Our hounds are trained to follow scent (aniseed) traditionally laced onto a piece of hide and dragged on a long rope behind a rider.  Nothing is chased and nothing is caught.  Most jumps are natural logs and optional.

The Hunt field is headed by the Hunt Master, who is assisted by Whippers-in.  They control the hounds and must not be interfered with in any way.  To ensure this, drag hunts appoint a Field Master or Field Mistress, who is identified by a white sash, to lead the field. 

Riders can choose to canter at the front or go sedately at the back.  Riders in the field are not to pass the Field Master/Mistress, and if they do so, will be “fined” a bottle of port (or cordial in the case of children).  A $2 “fine” also applies to falls and calling the hounds “dogs”!

We welcome new riders to try hunting.  Hunting is a friendly non-competitive sport and it’s a great way to encourage a horse to jump and to be able to ride on private land in a safe environment.



We are fortunate to enjoy the generosity of many landowners in allowing us to hunt on their picturesque properties, and we offer our sincere thanks to these wonderful people for continuing to support drag hunting in northern Tasmania: 

  • Junction Farm - Eleanor and Marcus James
  • Myrtlewood - Andrew, Madeline, Matilda and Charlotte Scott
  • Sherwood - Rick & Theresa Elias
  • Staunton - Jan & Richard Higgins
  • The Avenue - the Aylett family
  • The Moat - Lyn & Jamie Mason
  • Golden Valley - the Whatley, Heathcote and De Groot families
  • Westfield - Jeffrey & Andrea Wadley
  • Thurso - Mark & Felicity Richards
  • Clarendon House - National Trust Tasmania



The existence of the Hunt Club relies on the generosity of Land Owners.  We should all consider ourselves as their guests for the day and show them due respect.  Quite frequently we park our cars and floats in their ‘backyard’ and it is the responsibility of every Member to ensure that we leave it as clean as when we arrived. 

At the commencement of each hunt the Hunt Master will assemble the field and explain the Hunt of the day.  Show her your undivided attention and LISTEN.  This applies to spectators as well as riders.  Also, it is traditional to toast the landowner/s during the Hunt and again show your respect by not talking during the toast.

  • Listen to the Hunt Master both at the start and during the hunt.
  • The Hunt Master must only be addressed as "Master" at hunts.
  • Take care of roadways and pastures when driving on the property.
  • All riders MUST REGISTER prior to the hunt.
  • No feeding of horses outside of floats; no hay allowed and all manure to be removed.
  • If your horse has any tendency to kick, it must wear a red ribbon on its tail.
  • Pay attention to warnings and directions from the Field Master/Mistress.  Ensure that you never pass the Field Master/Mistress (fines apply - a bottle of port to the hunt club, or a bottle of fruit juice for those under 18).
  • Whips have a right of way; give way when they call “Whip coming through”.
  • Be very respectful around the hounds, keep well back wherever possible.
  • Inexperienced riders should stay towards the back of the field; request assistance if needed.  Junior riders must ride under the supervision of an adult.
  • If you cannot control your horse steer it out to the side of the field rather than through it, then circle away to regain control.
  • Do not charge through the field – maintain the position you start in for each run.  Do not crowd at gateways.
  • If you need to dismount for any reason or leave the field, you must request permission from the Hunt Master.
  • Report any property damage or stock injury immediately.
  • Remain mounted at the end of the hunt until the hounds are put away and riders are dismissed by the Master.



The Club requires a reasonable standard of dress from participants as follows:

  • Riding helmet complying to current EA standards (essential).
  • Light coloured breeches or jodhpurs; riding boots or jodhpur boots; shirt & tie or stock, jacket or jumper.
  • Safety vest encouraged.
  • Safe, well-fitted and appropriate tack.
  • NHC hunter green & red saddle blankets can be purchased through the club.
  • Members who have been recognised for significant service to the club are invited by the Master to wear the club’s “Colours”.  Gentlemen who have been awarded colours may wear a “pink” riding coat with an emerald green collar; ladies and gentlemen are invited to wear an emerald green collar on their normal riding jacket (preferably black).  NOTE that red jackets (‘pinks’) may only be worn on request from the Master. 

If you have suitable hunting dress the club expects you to wear this at events.



The Hunt Club provides tea & coffee prior to the start of the Hunt, however we request that members bring their own mug or cup wherever possible.  In addition to this, we rely on the generosity of members to bring a plate of scones, cakes, sandwiches etc., whenever possible.

The club has a well-appointed BBQ trailer available at every hunt for members to cook up a feast on their return from a day’s hunting.  We appreciate offers to help transport the BBQ trailer from Junction Farm to other hunt venues.  Bring along whatever you’d like to indulge in and cook for yourself.  It is a wonderful opportunity to catch up socially, get to know fellow hunting devotees and share experiences from the day’s hunting. 

Weekly raffles contribute a substantial amount of money towards the Club’s ongoing costs (primarily the hounds!) and we urge you to support them.  The prizes are all kindly donated by members each week and the raffle drawn towards the end of lunch – please consider the occasional donation.  Small or large items and anything of use or interest is welcomed – please bring donations with you when you register.



If you wish to follow the Hunt then this is usually practical, however, some properties may require a four-wheel drive to get around.  Often cars following the hunt have spare seats and passengers are welcome so please ask if you’d like to join another vehicle.

The following points should be observed when following a hunt:

  • Travel in a convoy.
  • Respect all roads and pasture.
  • Do not cross “drag” tracks.
  • Make sure that all gates are left as found.
  • Keep yourself, your vehicle and children clear of the Hunt course and in particular, jumps and gates.
  • Photography appreciated and may be shared on our facebook page.



The Northern Hunt Club does not cover your accident insurance; you ride at your own risk. 

Riders must register prior to the Hunt to be covered for Public Liability Insurance. 

The Northern Hunt Club is affiliated with Equestrian Australia for insurance purposes.  The club recommends riders hold their own accident insurance – Equestrian Australia participant membership gives 24/7 personal accident insurance and is highly recommended.



We would like to acknowledge with huge appreciation our major sponsor Sheds N Homes Launceston who are supporting, amongst other things, the purchase of a custom built hound crate to enable safe and efficient transport of our hound pack to hunts.  Our sincere thanks to Rebecca and Luke Thomson for their support and we recommend their business for any shed, garage, barn, shelter, indoor arena or kit home project you may be considering.  Contact Rebecca or Luke on 1800 764 764 or visit their website at www.shedsnhomes.com.au.



The club’s major fundraiser is an ongoing collection of old batteries for recycling, with the collection point being Junction Farm.  Please support our hounds by supporting this initiative – they are the heart of our club and as adorable as they are, unfortunately they do consume the majority of our club’s funds. 

Bring used batteries (beg them from friends and family) to hunts to be recycled or contact a committee member to make alternative arrangements.



Membership:  Membership of the Northern Hunt Club costs $50 and gives access to discounted ride fees.  Note: Membership, season tickets and 6-ride tickets are paid by direct debit to the hunt club (see details on the membership form, available from the facebook page or secretary, which must be completed and returned to northernhuntclub@gmail.com).

Ride Fees:  Members may purchase a season ticket (all hunts and trail rides, excluding special events) or a 6-ride ticket (6 hunts or trail rides with discounted top up fee per ride after that) by direct deposit.  


Alternatively, pay per ride by entering through Nominate: 

Members hunt ($35) or trail ride ($25);

Non-members hunt ($45) or trail ride ($35).  

Membership:  $50 per person (direct deposit)

Season ride ticket (members only, all hunts and trail rides excluding special events):  $350 (direct deposit)

6 ride ticket (members only, 6 hunts or trail rides):  $180

Members' casual ride ticket:  $35 hunt, $25 trail ride (Nominate)

Non-members' casual ride ticket:  $45 hunt, $35 trail ride (Nominate)





Poker Run - held on the first Sunday in August at Junction Farm, the Poker Run is becoming a "not to be missed" event on many people's calendars and is our major fundraiser.  Trail ride at your own pace and ability collecting a poker hand half way around, or purchase a poker hand without riding, to be in the running for a huge prize pool thanks to our many generous sponsors. 

Pub Run - held in mid-June, this popular hunt with a trail ride option starts at "The Moat", rides through the property and along the road to The Carrick Inn for the traditional port stop where egg and bacon rolls are served.  The hunt is not long on the return journey, but fast at the front and easy-going for those at the back.  Always a great spectacle to be part of!

Clarendon House Feature Hunt - this new event will showcase drag hunting to the wider public with special catering and photo opportunities followed by a demonstration hunt with a trail ride option.  All welcome to join in with atmosphere and tradition at this historic venue on Sunday the 21st of May.

Opening Hunt - traditionally a big field both hunting and trail riding as we all get back into the fun of hunt season with a shorter and slower hunt.

Children's Hunt - traditionally held at Myrtlewood during the July school holidays, the main roles are handed over to the juniors and we welcome all children interested in trying hunting to come along.  A trail ride is also held to cater to the whole family.

Mother's Day Hunt - we celebrate our mums with a carnation on our jackets, always a popular hunt.

Westbury Show Hunter Classes - held on the first Saturday in November, The Northern Hunt Club features hunter classes where hunt riders demonstrate their skills riding in teams of three, pairs and individually over purpose-built jumps, with Champion Senior Hunter and Champion Junior Hunter being prestigious titles.



The Northern Hunt Club has an active Facebook page where events are advertised with specific event pages and other information is communicated.  We will also regularly email important information as we recognise not all members use Facebook.

To be included on the mailing list, please send an email to the Secretary on the club’s email address – northernhuntclub@gmail.com.

Search for and request to join The Northern Hunt Club on Facebook – this is a public group.

Members who supply mobile phone numbers may be sent urgent and timely information by text, such as if a hunt is cancelled at late notice.  This information will also be advertised on Facebook as soon as possible.

Members are invited to share photos from NHC events on the Facebook page.


Tally Ho!


President: Emily Double (0428 175 715)

Vice President: Reegan Heathcote (0447 135 550)

Master: Tory Hood (0408 916 528)

Deputy Master: Alice Scolyer

Kennel Master: Eleanor James

Secretary: Reegan Heathcote

Treasurer: Tory Hood

Patron: Sandra Atkins

Public Officer: Chelsea Briggs

Committee: Heidi Behrens, Katrin Overdijk, Leah Goodwin, Melanie Paterson, Sandra Atkins, Chelsea Briggs, Hayley Atkins

Thankyou to all past and present members.

Email: northernhuntclub@gmail.com


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