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Event Type: Clinics

DREA Super Clinic with Nellandra Henry and Leisl Wilding

Dryandra Regional Equestrian Centre

12:00 PM
12:00 AM

Dryandra Regional Equestrian Association

Proudly presents Dryandra Super clinic


Nellandra Henry 

Saturday & Sunday – Show Jumping lessons (1 hour group)


Liesl Wilding EA Dressage L2  EA General L1  Coach Educator BHSAI

Saturday & Sunday - Flat work (individual) 

Nellandra lessons

Dryandra Member* price $75.00 

Non-member** price $85.00

Liesl Flatwork Lessons

Members $100

Non-Members $110

Ground fees

Member Ground fee (per horse/day) = $10

Non-Member Ground fee (per horse/day) = $15

Non-member yard fee*** = $15 per horse for weekend

* DPC Ordinary Riding Members
**Please note if you are not a DREA or DPC member you must have valid EWA or PCAWA membership.                       ***DPC and DREA members do NOT need to pay for yards (covered by membership fees)



House Keeping

  • Please bring a plate of food to share for a group lunch withNell & Liesl. Please note she that Liesl is GLUTEN FREE.
  • Please follow the current COVID 19 guidelines at all times.
  • A waiver must be signed prior to your lesson
  • Dogs must be on lead at ALL times
  • Be prepared to help with duties, e.g. setup/pack up/ cleanup/ poo patrol/ raking arena
  • Yards are to be left spotless, pick up ALL hay and manure


Conditions of Entry

  • The DREA policy is that we must receive BOTH your entry form AND payment before your requested lesson is secured. All entries must be submitted 1 week before the clinic date.
  • Please note, it is the responsibility of the rider to find a replacement for their lesson if they are no longer able to attend. If a replacement is found, payment will be refunded. If a rider cancels more than 7 days before the clinic, 50% of payment may be refunded. If a rider cancels less than 7 days before the clinic, no payment will be refunded. There may be a waiting list for a clinic which can assist riders, but this is not always the case.
  • If the clinic is cancelled by the Coach or due to Covid mandates, your entry fee will be refunded.


Number Class Status Notes Test Fee
Saturday 22nd of Feb
Class: expand_moreFlat work lesson - private 0001 Number:0001Flat work lesson - private Status: Wait List Notes: Test: Fee: $100.00
Class: expand_morePoles to 45cm 01 Number:01Poles to 45cm Status: 2 left Notes: Test: Fee: $75.00
Class: expand_moreLittle breeches under 12years - up to 30cm 01a Number:01aLittle breeches under 12years - up to 30cm Status: 2 left Notes: Test: Fee: $50.00
Class: expand_more45cm - 65cm 02 Number:0245cm - 65cm Status: 4 left Notes: Test: Fee: $75.00
Class: expand_more65cm to 85cm 03 Number:0365cm to 85cm Status: 2 left Notes: Test: Fee: $75.00
Class: expand_more85cm to 95cm 04 Number:0485cm to 95cm Status: 2 left Notes: Test: Fee: $75.00
Class: expand_more95cm to 105cm 05 Number:0595cm to 105cm Status: 4 left Notes: Test: Fee: $75.00
Class: expand_more105cm and over 06 Number:06105cm and over Status: 4 left Notes: Test: Fee: $75.00
Sunday 23rd of Feb
Class: expand_moreFlatwork Lesson - private 08a2 Number:08a2Flatwork Lesson - private Status: Wait List Notes: Test: Fee: $100.00
Class: expand_morePole work - 45cm 09 Number:09Pole work - 45cm Status: 3 left Notes: Test: Fee: $75.00
Class: expand_moreLittle breeches under 12years - up to 30cm 09a Number:09aLittle breeches under 12years - up to 30cm Status: 3 left Notes: Test: Fee: $50.00
Class: expand_more45cm to 65cm 10 Number:1045cm to 65cm Status: 4 left Notes: Test: Fee: $75.00
Class: expand_more65cm to 85cm 11 Number:1165cm to 85cm Status: 2 left Notes: Test: Fee: $75.00
Class: expand_more85cm to 95cm 12 Number:1285cm to 95cm Status: 2 left Notes: Test: Fee: $75.00
Class: expand_more95cm to 105cm 13 Number:1395cm to 105cm Status: 4 left Notes: Test: Fee: $75.00
Class: expand_more105cm and over 14 Number:14105cm and over Status: 4 left Notes: Test: Fee: $75.00

Event Notes

Non-Member yard fee

Contact Details

[email protected]


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Nominate PTY Ltd

  • Phone: +61 7 3118 9555
  • Office Hours: 9am - 5pm Monday - Friday
  • E-Mail: [email protected]

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