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Event Type: AG Shows

Harvey Agricultural Show 2025 Showjumping


Harvey Agricultural Society
12:00 AM
12:00 AM

Harvey Agricultural Show - Showjumping Information

Enquiries to Paula Vaughan 0432 283 908 (sms only please)
Course Designer: Felicity Coucill
Judge: Racheal Mason
Pre-entries only on nominate.com.au
All entrants must pre purchase entry tickets online at humantix.com
Entry Fee: $10.00 per class
Jumping will be held under EA rules.
All riders must supply a helper over the age of 16 years on the day. Jobs will be allocated on “Sign Up” the week before the event.
Horses and ponies may only compete in up to 3 classes. Classes should be at consecutive heights.
Prize money:
1st $25; 2nd $15; 3rd $10: 4th $5

The Harvey Reporter have generously sponsored a prize for the horse with the most points for jumping at the 2025 Harvey Show. EHorses will be allocated points for placings and the hiorse with the most points at the end of the day will receive this prize.
OTTWA have supplied rosettes for the most outstanding OTTTB and OTTSTB. Please add your OTT passport number to the entry form to be considered for these prizes.
Ring commences at 8:30am

Class 1: Sponsored by Taylor Agricultural Contracting
50cm rider 12 years and under

Class 2: Sponsored by Curulli Meadow Hay
50cm Pony 14.2hh or under; rider 13 and over

Class 3: Sponsored by Curulli Meadow Hay
50cm Horse over 14.2hh; rider 13 and over

Class 4: Sponsored by Taylor Agricultural Contracting

Class 5:Sponsored by Taylor Agricultural Contracting
60cm Special 2 Phase

Class 6: Sponsored by Equest and Lifestyle Realty

Class 7: Sponsored by Equest and Lifestyle Realty
70cm Special 2 Phase

Class 8: Sponsored by Equest and Lifestyle Realty

Class 9: Sponsored by Equest and Lifestyle Realty
80cm Special 2 Phase

Class 10: Sponsored by Harvey Hemp

Class 11: Sponsored by Harvey Hemp
90cm Special 2 Phase

Class 12: Sponsored by Fifth Estate Wines

Class 13: Sponsored by Fifth Estate Wines

Special 2 Phase for 100cm and 110cm will be considered if there are more than 4 entries for the class.
Please contact Paula (0432 283 908) to express your interest in these classes.

Classes 1,2,4,6,8,10,12 & 13: Article 238.2.2 and Article 245.5 - in the event of a clear round being jumped, the jump off round will immediately follow after the first round. The jump off will be timed.
Classes 3,5,7, 9 &11: Article 274.2 This competition comprises two phases run without interruption, each at an identical or different speed, the finishing like for the first phase being identical with the starting line for the second phase.

Number Class Status Notes Test Fee
Class: expand_more50cm (rider 12 years and under). Sponsored by Taylor Agricultural Contracting 01 Number:0150cm (rider 12 years and under). Sponsored by Taylor Agricultural Contracting Status: Open Notes: Article 238.2.2 and 245.5 - in the event of a clear round being jumped, the jump off round will folo Test: Fee: $10.00
Class: expand_more50cm Pony 14.2hh or under; rider 13 and over. Sponsored by Curulli Meadow Hay 02 Number:0250cm Pony 14.2hh or under; rider 13 and over. Sponsored by Curulli Meadow Hay Status: Open Notes: Article 238.2.2 and 245.5 - in the event of a clear round being jumped, the jump off round will folo Test: Fee: $10.00
Class: expand_more50cm Horse over 14.2hh; rider 13 and over. Sponsored by Curulli Meadow Hay 03 Number:0350cm Horse over 14.2hh; rider 13 and over. Sponsored by Curulli Meadow Hay Status: Open Notes: Article 238.2.2 and 245.5 - in the event of a clear round being jumped, the jump off round will folo Test: Fee: $10.00
Class: expand_more60cm. Sponsored by Taylor Agricultural Contracting 04 Number:0460cm. Sponsored by Taylor Agricultural Contracting Status: Open Notes: Article 238.2.2 and 245.5 - in the event of a clear round being jumped, the jump off round will folo Test: Fee: $10.00
Class: expand_more60cm Special 2 Phase. Sponsored by Taylor Agricultural Contracting 05 Number:0560cm Special 2 Phase. Sponsored by Taylor Agricultural Contracting Status: Open Notes: This competition comprises two phases run without interruption, each at an identical or different sp Test: Fee: $10.00
Class: expand_more70cm Sponsored by Equest and Lifestyle Realty 06 Number:0670cm Sponsored by Equest and Lifestyle Realty Status: Open Notes: Article 238.2.2 and 245.5 - in the event of a clear round being jumped, the jump off round will folo Test: Fee: $10.00
Class: expand_more70cm Special 2 Phase. Sponsored by Equest and Lifestyle Realty 07 Number:0770cm Special 2 Phase. Sponsored by Equest and Lifestyle Realty Status: Open Notes: This competition comprises two phases run without interruption, each at an identical or different sp Test: Fee: $10.00
Class: expand_more80cm Sponsored by Equest and Lifestyle Realty 08 Number:0880cm Sponsored by Equest and Lifestyle Realty Status: Open Notes: Article 238.2.2 and 245.5 - in the event of a clear round being jumped, the jump off round will folo Test: Fee: $10.00
Class: expand_more80cm Special 2 Phase. Sponsored by Equest and Lifestyle Realty 09 Number:0980cm Special 2 Phase. Sponsored by Equest and Lifestyle Realty Status: Open Notes: This competition comprises two phases run without interruption, each at an identical or different sp Test: Fee: $10.00
Class: expand_more90cm. Sponsored by Harvey Hemp 10 Number:1090cm. Sponsored by Harvey Hemp Status: Open Notes: Article 238.2.2 and 245.5 - in the event of a clear round being jumped, the jump off round will folo Test: Fee: $10.00
Class: expand_more90cm Special 2 Phase. Sponsored by Harvey Hemp 11 Number:1190cm Special 2 Phase. Sponsored by Harvey Hemp Status: Open Notes: This competition comprises two phases run without interruption, each at an identical or different sp Test: Fee: $10.00
Class: expand_more100cm Sponsored by Fifth Estate Wines, Harvey 12 Number:12100cm Sponsored by Fifth Estate Wines, Harvey Status: Open Notes: Article 238.2.2 and 245.5 - in the event of a clear round being jumped, the jump off round will folo Test: Fee: $10.00
Class: expand_more110cm Sponsored by Fifth Estate Wines, Harvey 13 Number:13110cm Sponsored by Fifth Estate Wines, Harvey Status: Open Notes: Article 238.2.2 and 245.5 - in the event of a clear round being jumped, the jump off round will folo Test: Fee: $10.00

Event Notes


Contact Details

Paula Vaughan
Paula Vaughan
[email protected]
Prize money plus OTT prizes.


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