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Event Type: Clinics

SADA Karen Horsell Clinic Saturday rescheduled 25Jan2025

Lyrical Acres

Karen Horsell
12:00 PM
12:00 AM
23/01/2025 – please note a late fee will apply after the original closing date

Karen Horsell Clinic

Lyrical Acres - 183 Dawkins Rd, Lewiston SA

  • Private lessons
  • 45 minutes duration
  • Times can be chosen between 8:30am - 4:15pm
  • Warm up in outdoor arena before your lesson time.

Cost per lesson: SADA members: $120. Non members: $150

About Karen

Karen is a respected and successful FEI Grand Prix Dressage rider, EA Coach and breeder of Lusitano horses.

Teamed with her beautiful Lusitano stallion Guizo, they are currently South Australian Big Tour Champions, and the harmonised partnership reflects Karen’s training ideology.

She has bred and trained horses from unbacked to Grand Prix and has coached riders from beginners to FEI.  

Karen’s foundations in dressage stem from 30-plus years as a student of renowned Master Miguel Tavora.

Early exposure to Tavora’s deep understanding of classical equestrian principles and his renowned ability to integrate Iberian, French and German dressage traditions has influenced Karen’s overall philosophy and everyday training of her own horses.

To reinforce these principles Karen created illustrated diagrams of gymnastic exercises for Miguel’s book ‘Dressage Principles and Techniques: A Blueprint for the Serious Rider’.

Karen’s coaching emphasizes the well-being and harmonious development of the horse through gradual, progressive and systematic gymnastic work.

Careful selection of exercises to develop balance and harmony is an integral part of Karen’s lessons.


Number Class Status Notes Test Fee
Class: expand_more8:30 - 9:15 indoor Arena Session 01 Number:018:30 - 9:15 indoor Arena Session Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $120.00
Class: expand_more9:15 - 10:00 indoor Arena Session 02 Number:029:15 - 10:00 indoor Arena Session Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $120.00
Class: expand_more10:00 - 10:45 indoor Arena Session 03 Number:0310:00 - 10:45 indoor Arena Session Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $120.00
Class: expand_more11:00 - 11:45 indoor Arena Session 04 Number:0411:00 - 11:45 indoor Arena Session Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $120.00
Class: expand_more11:45 - 12:30 indoor Arena Session 05 Number:0511:45 - 12:30 indoor Arena Session Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $120.00
Class: expand_more1:00 - 1:45 indoor Arena Session 06 Number:061:00 - 1:45 indoor Arena Session Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $120.00
Class: expand_more1:45 - 2:30 indoor Arena Session 07 Number:071:45 - 2:30 indoor Arena Session Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $120.00
Class: expand_more2:45 - 3:30 indoor Arena Session 08 Number:082:45 - 3:30 indoor Arena Session Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $120.00
Class: expand_more3:30 - 4:15 indoor Arena Session 09 Number:093:30 - 4:15 indoor Arena Session Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $120.00
Class: expand_more4:15 - 5:00 indoor Arena Session 10 Number:104:15 - 5:00 indoor Arena Session Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $120.00

Event Notes


Contact Details

Michelle Hall
0417 417 399
0417 417 399
[email protected]


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