Allora Show Society Equestrian Group The One Horse Life Clinic

Allora Showgrounds

Allora Show Equestrian Group
09:00 AM
11:00 PM


"The One Horse Life Clinic" on the 3rd & 4th of August.

It is a 2 x 1 day clinic.


Saturday : 12 spaces available

Sunday : 12 spaces available

Cost $ 250.00


Trudy Dougall, our popular jumping instructor, says best way to work with horse, changed her & her horses’ relationships

Kaye Pace, a regular judge for us at Allora, is a participant student of the practise and said it is an amazing tool


This method is similar to what Tristan Tucker teaches


One Horse Life has been established in Europe for a number of years now with its founders, Anna & Pawel Marciniak, currently based in the Netherlands. They have developed a number of incredible training techniques for horses that are all based around conscious muscle relaxation.

Conscious muscle relaxation has been well understood and utilised in the human sports performance world for a long time. Used by elite level athletes to optimise performance. One Horse Life has taken this understanding and developed it for training horses.

Under the OHL banner there are several techniques - some involving ground work, and some ridden - but all based on teaching horses to identify, and release common residual tension patterns held in their body and in doing so learning to operate through conscious relaxation.

Not only does it elevate their training and performance (regardless the discipline) but very importantly, these training techniques help to deal with many common health/soundness/physical issues as well as behavioural problems. As most of these are manifested from the way tension patterns play out in the nervous system and musculature systems of the body. It is fascinating stuff!

The best part is, the horse takes this on as an autonomous skill set which they will access themselves, as well as being able to share with herd mates and their human partners. It’s where performance goals and true relationship connection can combine.

Angie Wentrup and myself are the only people accredited in Australia to teach the OHL programs so far (we’d love to have others jump on board!) and we are collaborating to help bring these beautiful training techniques here as we have seen the results over and over again in making positive changes for horses and their owners.

The ‘Training Through Conscious Relaxation’ introductory seminar is the starting point for anyone wanting to begin their One Horse Life journey. This is a full day commitment (9am to 4pm) and covers the theory behind these unique and powerful methods, an introduction to the Bodymarc technique for the owner/trainer and demonstration and practice of the Optimal Performance Program - Basic Relaxation Technique for the horse.

We finish up the afternoon with an overview of 3 techniques that build from this basic technique to optimally support the performance of the sport horse through relaxation. These include Relax That Stomach, Optimal Performance Program and Residual Tensions Release Therapy. These techniques can then be further explored in subsequent clinics once participants have established the OPP Basic Relaxation Technique with their horses over the course of a fortnight to a month.

The One Horse Life Clinic - Saturday
7 left
The One Horse Life Clinic - Sunday
11 left

Event Notes

Additional stable
Powered caming including 1 stable
Unpowered camping including 1 stable

Contact Details
0449 768 998
Carol Lyall


Please Follow the link to Print out Allora Show Society Wavier

Please follow the link to print out the Allora Show Society Horse Health Declaration

All forms are to be brought to the event and handed in. 

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