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Event Type: Dressage

Camden CEI EA & WEQ Dressage Day - Sunday 9th February 2025 (1)


Camden Equitation Inc
06:00 PM
10:00 AM


EA & WEQ DRESSAGE TESTS – Sunday 9th February 2025

Sydney International Equestrian Centre - SIEC - Horsley Park

Office of sport has increased prices for their venues from 1st January 2025.  We have minimally adjusted our entry fees to cover this increase.

Please check the EA Website for the current EA tests.  


  Please check the ANWEL website for current WEQ Tests. 




Camden Equitation Inc gives awards to Hi Achiever Riders at every competition.  Please see website for more details - https://www.camdenequitationinc.com/calender-results


 All events will be held in accordance with current EA National Dressage Rules effective 1st January 2023 and any subsequent amendments.  The Committee may grant exemptions to the rules for special promotional competitions.  The onus is on the competitor to know the rules.  The conditions apply to all CEI competitions.

Media: photographs and videos may be taken during the event and used for promotional or educations purposes.  Please advise the organising committee if you DO NOT wish photographs of you or your horse used in club media.

Member’s Discount (available at all Open Events):  If a member claims the member discount and is NOT a member, the ENTRY WILL BE SUSPENDED, until membership is received (within 7 days).  If no membership payment is received within 7 days, entry fees will be refunded except for the administration fee of $15.00.  All riders must be current financial members of CEI or EA to compete.


Bridle Numbers:  Bridle numbers are compulsory.  Bridle and EA numbers must be provided at the time of entry on nominate.  Call EA NSW 02 9620 2660 for your free bridle number.  Two bridle numbers, one on each side of the horse or pony, must be clearly displayed while riding in front of the judge’s car.  Two bridle numbers are required on horses and ponies at all times while on the competition grounds.  This includes whilst horses and ponies are tied up and being led or lunged.



Official Competitions (OC) - open to all EA Competitive members.  Horses/ponies - EA full registration required with a current Competition Licence.

Closed Restricted Competitions (CR) - Rider must be a member of Camden Equitation Inc. to enter.

Hors Concurs – Riders wishing to ride HC (non-competitive) must declare their intention in writing before the start of the test or at the time of entry on Nominate.  This can apply to any class.

Preparatory Levels – You must ride HC in preparatory tests if your horse has previously won in any previous preparatory classes.

Entries – Entries are taken on a first in basis and are only accepted via Nominate.

Ponies – In accordance with EA rules, proof of height must be provided upon request to be eligible for pony classes.

Disputes – From time to time there is the need to lodge a protest in relation to the results of a competition.  In these instances it is essential to follow the Protest Protocol and the current EA Dressage Rules.  All protests must be submitted in writing to the organising committee within 30 minutes of the happening which gave rise to the protest, as per EA rules.  Such written protest must be accompanied by a fee of $50 which will be refunded if the protest is upheld.


Tests:  Maximum of 2 EA tests per horse, however you may ride a 3rd test in WEQ Dressage (plus hire of the obstacle course when applicable).  Competitors are limited to a maximum of 4 tests at any one event.


Dressage - Two consecutive levels only per horse allowed.

Working Equitation – Horses may compete at any level HC (non-competitive) but may NOT compete at any level lower than its current level.

Callers:  Callers are permitted.  Riders in Working Equitation Dressage tests with callers will be penalised 5 points.

Riders:  Riders/horses may be changed up to the closing date of the competition on notification to the Event Secretary.  The new rider must be a current CEI financial member or provide EA membership card.  However, rider may not be changed if another rider has ridden the horse on the day.  Draw position cannot be changed without the permission of the Organising Committee.  One rider per horse for the entire event.

Draw:  Every attempt is made to accommodate riders, horses and tests within appropriate time frames, and at the rider’s requests, as recommended by EA.  However the Organising Committee reserves the right to design the draw in the most appropriate manner to suit all competitors.  The Organising Committee has the final say regarding the draw and protracted discussions will not be entered into.  The draw will be emailed to all entrants.

Once the final draw is posted there will be NO CHANGES.  If there are scratchings on the day, then horses may be moved up in the draw.

Insufficient Entries:  The Organising Committee reserves the right to delete or combine any Class in the case of insufficient entries.  If cancellation occurs, a full refund will be offered.

Oversubscription:  In the case of oversubscription, entries may be limited and taken in order of receipt.

Scratchings:  Will be accepted up the closing date of the event.

Competition Changes and Cancellation:  In the event of the competition being cancelled due to inclement weather entry fees will be refunded less the $15.00 administration fee and Nominate processing fee.  The CEI website and Facebook page will be updated in the event of change.  For all changes after the closing date, all entered competitors will be emailed via Nominate.

A Competitor is not entitled to a refund if their entry is scratched after the closing date but prior to the announcement of cancellation without provision of Medical/Vet Certificates as outlined below - “Refund”.

Refund:  A full refund less the administration fee and Nominate processing fee will be given via Nominate if scratched before the closing date.  After entries close, a fifty per cent (50%) refund less administration and Nominate processing fee will only be issued - by providing a Veterinarian or Medical Certificate to the Members Co-Ordinator within 48 hours after the competition.  All refunds are issued at the discretion of the Organising Committee.  Once a competitor is on Competition grounds no refund will be issued.

All refunds will be released within 14 days of the competition day no refunds will be released for any reason before that date.

Cards:  Registration and performance cards must be available on the day.

Ribbons:  Ribbons will be awarded as follows, depending on the size of the class –

Up to 5 riders – Ribbons to 3rd Place

Up to 10 riders – Ribbons to 5th Place

10 or more riders – Ribbons to 8th Place

Gear Check:  Gear checks are compulsory.  For dressage competitions, riders and horses must be checked by the Gear Steward after each test.  Elimination can occur if gear checks are not completed, as per EA and ANWEL Rule Books.  Please note ANWEL Rule Book regarding Nosebands - MUST be sufficiently loose to fit at least ONE finger between the horses cheek and noseband.  Failure to rectify a noseband that is too tight as directed by the Gear Steward or Judge will incur elimination.  
Please note all Camden Working Equitation Events require the wearing of a hard EA approved helmet.  

Dogs:  All dogs must be kept on a leash.  Dogs, children, prams, etc are not allowed in the actual competition and warmup areas.

Veterinary checks:  Random swabbing may take place.  If approached by the Official Steward/Vet Officer of the day, the person responsible for the horse must allow samples to be taken.

No horses are to be ridden at the CEI competition grounds unless they are entered in the competition and the riders are financial members of EA or CEI with current disclaimers.  Horses and/or riders are not permitted in the designated competition arena areas prior to competing.

Any rider who fails to comply with these conditions or direction from any member of the Committee may be eliminated.

Risk Warning and Disclaimer:

  1. Horse riding is a dangerous activity and can result in serious injury (including death) and loss.
  2. All persons who ride or tend a horse on these grounds do so entirely at their own risk.
  3. Neither Equestrian Australia, the Camden Equitation Inc Committee, nor any member there of accepts any liability for any damage, accident, injury or illness (including death) to horse, owners, spectators and volunteers suffered by any person or property whatsoever.
Number Class Status Notes Test Fee
Class: expand_moreEA Preparatory 1 - Closed Un-restricted - Arena Size 40x20 01a Number:01aEA Preparatory 1 - Closed Un-restricted - Arena Size 40x20 Status: Closed Notes: Arena size 40m x 20m Test: 2023 EA Prep Test 1 Fee: $65.00
Class: expand_moreEA Preparatory 2 - Closed Un-restricted - Arena size 40x20 01b Number:01bEA Preparatory 2 - Closed Un-restricted - Arena size 40x20 Status: Closed Notes: Arena size 40m x 20m Test: 2023 EA Prep Test 2 Fee: $65.00
Class: expand_moreEA Preliminary 1.1 - Closed Un-restricted 02a Number:02aEA Preliminary 1.1 - Closed Un-restricted Status: Closed Notes: Test: 2023 EA Preliminary 1.1 Fee: $65.00
Class: expand_moreEA Preliminary 1.2 - Official Competitive 02b Number:02bEA Preliminary 1.2 - Official Competitive Status: Closed Notes: Test: 2023 EA Preliminary 1.2 Fee: $70.00
Class: expand_moreEA Preliminary 1.3 - Official Competitive 02c Number:02cEA Preliminary 1.3 - Official Competitive Status: Closed Notes: Test: 2023 EA Preliminary 1.3 Fee: $70.00
Class: expand_moreEA Novice 2.1 - Closed Un-restricted 03a Number:03aEA Novice 2.1 - Closed Un-restricted Status: Closed Notes: Test: 2023 EA Novice 2.1 Fee: $65.00
Class: expand_moreEA Novice 2.2 - Official Competitive 03b Number:03bEA Novice 2.2 - Official Competitive Status: Closed Notes: Test: 2023 EA Novice 2.2 Fee: $70.00
Class: expand_moreEA Elementary 3.1 - Official Competitive 04a Number:04aEA Elementary 3.1 - Official Competitive Status: Closed Notes: Test: 2023 EA Elementary 3.1 Fee: $70.00
Class: expand_moreEA Elementary 3.2 - Official Competitive 04b Number:04bEA Elementary 3.2 - Official Competitive Status: Closed Notes: Test: 2023 EA Elementary 3.2 Fee: $70.00
Class: expand_moreEA Medium 4.1 - Official Competitive 05a Number:05aEA Medium 4.1 - Official Competitive Status: Closed Notes: Test: 2023 EA Medium 4.1 Fee: $70.00
Class: expand_moreEA Medium 4.2 - Official Competitive 05b Number:05bEA Medium 4.2 - Official Competitive Status: Closed Notes: Test: 2023 EA Medium 4.2 Fee: $70.00
Class: expand_moreEA Advanced 5.1 - Official Competitive 06a Number:06aEA Advanced 5.1 - Official Competitive Status: Closed Notes: Test: 2023 EA Advanced 5.1 Fee: $70.00
Class: expand_moreEA Advanced 5.2 - Official Competitive 06b Number:06bEA Advanced 5.2 - Official Competitive Status: Closed Notes: Test: 2023 EA Advanced 5.2 Fee: $70.00
Class: expand_moreWEQ Dressage - Introductory Level 1 07 Number:07WEQ Dressage - Introductory Level 1 Status: Closed Notes: Test: ANWE Level 1 Introductory Test 1.1 2024 Fee: $65.00
Class: expand_moreWEQ Dressage Preparatory Level 2 08 Number:08WEQ Dressage Preparatory Level 2 Status: Closed Notes: Test: ANWE Level 2 Preparatory 2.1 2024 Fee: $65.00
Class: expand_moreWEQ Dressage - Preliminary Level 3 09 Number:09WEQ Dressage - Preliminary Level 3 Status: Closed Notes: Test: ANWE Level 3 Preliminary 3.1 2024 Fee: $65.00
Class: expand_moreWEQ Dressage Debutante W Level 4 10 Number:10WEQ Dressage Debutante W Level 4 Status: Closed Notes: Test: ANWE Level 4 Deubatante W 4.1 2024 Fee: $65.00
Class: expand_moreWEQ Dressage - Debutante F Level 5 11 Number:11WEQ Dressage - Debutante F Level 5 Status: Closed Notes: Test: 2024 ANWE Level 5 Debutante F Test 5.1 Fee: $65.00
Class: expand_moreWEQ Dressage - Consagrados 2 Level 6 12 Number:12WEQ Dressage - Consagrados 2 Level 6 Status: Closed Notes: Test: ANWE Level 6 Consagrados 2 Test 6.A Version 2018 (Amended 2020) Fee: $65.00
Class: expand_moreWEQ Dressage - Consagrados 1 Level 7 13 Number:13WEQ Dressage - Consagrados 1 Level 7 Status: Closed Notes: Test: 2024 ANWE Level 7 Consagrados 1 Fee: $65.00
Class: expand_moreWEQ Dressage - Masters Level 8 14 Number:14WEQ Dressage - Masters Level 8 Status: Closed Notes: Test: ANWE Level 8 Masters Test 8.A Version 2018 (Amended 2020) Fee: $65.00

Event Notes

Day Stable - including 1 shavings $55
Camping (Powered Site) $35 per night

Contact Details

Glynis Dickinson
0407 734 148
[email protected]
Camden Equitation Inc
[email protected]
[email protected]


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Nominate PTY Ltd

  • Phone: +61 7 3118 9555
  • Office Hours: 9am - 5pm Monday - Friday
  • E-Mail: [email protected]

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