Mid North Coast Working Equitation Club
Training Day Saturday 22nd March 2025
8am Start to Setup
Instructor: Cathy Shaw
Venue: Taree Showground
Welcome to our Mid North Coast Working Equitation Training Day.
Please read below information carefully.
To Enter: Must be current member of both
- Australian National Working Equitation (ANWE) - Go to Nominate Clubs and search for Australian National Working Equitation (Financial Year)
- Mid North Coast Working Equitation Club (Calendar Year)
Entries: Via www.nominate.com.au – Under Events / Working Equitation
Instructor: Cathy Shaw will take a small group at a time working on what you may need assistance with.
Arrive: 8.00am for a 9.00am start. Arrive during this time to park and unload your horses then head over to the registration table. Location will be sent out with Group Lists prior to the event.
Arrival & Set Up:
If your name is on the Set Up or Pack Down list for AM or PM please ensure you arrive prior to 8.00am to help set up. We expect members of the club to help out. (the list of helpers is sent out prior to the event) This will be rotated so the same people aren’t doing it at each event. Please select your preference when entering. You will need to choose either AM or PM.
Start: 9.00am – registration prior to this time. There will be a designated registration area for you to go to.
Course Walk: 9.00am - to gain knowledge on the ground walking the course for best lines and riding.
1. Waiver - Sign bulk Showground waiver
2. Groups - Check what group you are in and what is your first activity for the day. This will be the same group that you booked into.
3. Mount Up - Meet back at central meeting spot by 9.00am ready for briefing session (please do not start riding the obstacles)
4. Briefing Session – Hello & welcome, etiquette and rules outlined and format for the day.
NOTE: Please do not mount until you have signed the waiver and registered for the day.
Finish: Approx 1.00pm to 1.30pm please ensure that you able to commit for the whole time.
Groups: 1. The Group that you book into will be the Group that you proceed to each activity on the Training Day.
2. When choosing the Group to enter into, choose what best suits you and your horses ability. These groups are designed so that they are fun, safe and learning enviornment for everyone.
3. If the group you would like to go in is full then just pick the next available group.
4. A bell will sound for Groups to move onto the next activity.
Format & Activity Sessions:
Set up, 3 activities, lunch, 3 activities, Pack up.
30 minute time slots for activities with 30 minutes for lunch during the day.
Lunch: Communal Lunch together (Location to be advised on the day during briefing)- Bring your own lunch
There will be a break after doing 3 activities for you to have lunch / drink and meet others within the club. Bring your chairs or sit on the ground.
Warm Up: Register first prior to mounting and warming up. Showground Area and Dressage arenas available (if wet please note wet weather plan for warm up area)
General Information:
- Please bring you own feed for horse and yourself
- Water and wash bay available on site at showground
- Build confidence in your horse using obstacles
- Please check on ANWEL website for new updated rules 2024
- Come along and be part of a great Working Equitation Club
- ALL MANURE NEAR HORSE FLOATS MUST BE PICKED UP and placed in the designated areas near the stables.
Stables: $12 - Must be booked with Caretaker - Ph: 0473558437 - Payment direct to the Caretaker
Extra Horses: You can bring additional horse/s for a fee. When doing an activity it is only one horse per person at a time.
Dogs: All dogs MUST be on a leash & Members of the public are required to park their vehicles away from horse floats.
Helmets: All riders must wear a helmet that meets Equestrian Australian standards. Follow link to find standards and check your helmet which must be checked by an EA approved tagger and have a yellow tape affixed on the RHS of the helmet.
Please bring your helmet to registration table if you need your helmet tagged. Click Here for the EA approved helmet standards.
Payment: Is at time of registration and includes Showground Horse Levy Fee.
Assistance: Prior or on the day if you require any assistance or have any question please do not hesitate to ask one of the comittee members.
Refund Policy: Refunds will only be given after closing date if a veterinary certificate or doctor's certificate is emailed to the club. There will be a deductions of administration fees. Withdrawal prior to closing date will result in all money refunded less Nominate administration fee. This is done through Nominate and is facilitated easily when you have created a profile.
Insurance Requirements: Our club must implement procedures to address the requirements of our insurance policy. If a member of our committee believes that your horse is posing a risk to yourself, others, or property you will need to comply with reasonable direction. This may mean removing your horse or dismounting.
Gates to be kept shut at all times
Riders to be wearing riding footwear. Handlers must wear appropriate protective shoes. Equipment must be appropriate for use, in good repair and correctly fitted.
It is the participants responsibility to maintain the welfare of their horse.
Disclaimer - Depending on numbers of entries and rider interest on the day, timing and type of sessions may be adjusted to suit. This will be advised with an email sent out prior to the event.