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Event Type: Dressage

SADA 6 Apr 2025 Official Competitive, FEI, HOTY, Participant

Lyrical Acres

01:00 PM
12:00 AM
30/03/2025 – please note a late fee will apply after the original closing date

SADA 6th April 2025


This an EA Official HOTY qualifier event.

Competition will be held at the SADA home grounds:

Lyrical Acres

183 Dawkins Rd
Lewiston SA


SADA is offering EA Official Competitive, FEI and EA Participation classes at this event

This event is run under the EA National Dressage Rules, available at: https://www.equestrian.org.au/dressage-rules

Please ensure you select classes from the correct section.
To enter the EA Official Competitive classes you and your horse Must be currently registered with EA.
A $4.40 levy (per rider) applies to EA classes for judge education.
Small Tour tests (Prix St George and Inter 1) may be available, dependant on the availability of suitable qualified judges.

Important Note: You must be an EA member to enter this event


Helmet Tagging

All rider helmets must be checked and tagged with a yellow EA tag. If your helmet has not been tagged, please find Brenda at the canteen area, and she can check and tag your helmet.

Number Class Status Notes Test Fee
EA Official Competitive Competition Tests
Class: expand_moreEA Official Competitive Preparatory Test 1 EA01 Number:EA01EA Official Competitive Preparatory Test 1 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Prep Test 1 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreEA Official Competitive Preparatory Test 2 EA02 Number:EA02EA Official Competitive Preparatory Test 2 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Prep Test 2 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreEA Official Competitive Preparatory Test 3 EA02a Number:EA02aEA Official Competitive Preparatory Test 3 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Prep Test 3 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreEA Official Competitive Preliminary 1.1 EA03 Number:EA03EA Official Competitive Preliminary 1.1 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Preliminary 1.1 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreEA Official Competitive Preliminary 1.2 EA04 Number:EA04EA Official Competitive Preliminary 1.2 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Preliminary 1.2 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreEA Official Competitive Novice 2.1 EA05 Number:EA05EA Official Competitive Novice 2.1 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Novice 2.1 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreEA Official Competitive Novice 2.2 EA06 Number:EA06EA Official Competitive Novice 2.2 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Novice 2.2 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_more EA Official Competitive Elementary 3.1 EA07 Number:EA07 EA Official Competitive Elementary 3.1 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Elementary 3.1 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreEA Official Competitive Elementary 3.2 EA08 Number:EA08EA Official Competitive Elementary 3.2 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Elementary 3.2 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreEA Official Competitive Medium 4.1 EA09 Number:EA09EA Official Competitive Medium 4.1 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Medium 4.1 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreEA Official Competitive Medium 4.2 EA10 Number:EA10EA Official Competitive Medium 4.2 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Medium 4.2 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreEA Official Competitive Advanced 5.1 EA11 Number:EA11EA Official Competitive Advanced 5.1 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Advanced 5.1 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreEA Official Competitive Advanced 5.2 EA12 Number:EA12EA Official Competitive Advanced 5.2 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Advanced 5.2 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreFEI Prix St George EAF01 Number:EAF01FEI Prix St George Status: Open Notes: Test: FEI Prix St George (2022) Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreFEI Inter 1 EAF02 Number:EAF02FEI Inter 1 Status: Open Notes: Test: FEI Intermediate I (2022) Fee: $40.00
EA Participation Competition Tests
Class: expand_moreEA Participation Preparatory 1 EAP01 Number:EAP01EA Participation Preparatory 1 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Prep Test 1 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreEA Participation Preparatory 2 EAP02 Number:EAP02EA Participation Preparatory 2 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Prep Test 2 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreEA Participation Preparatory 3 EAP02a Number:EAP02aEA Participation Preparatory 3 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Prep Test 3 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreEA Participation Preliminary 1.1 EAP03 Number:EAP03EA Participation Preliminary 1.1 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Preliminary 1.1 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreEA Participation Preliminary 1.2 EAP04 Number:EAP04EA Participation Preliminary 1.2 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Preliminary 1.2 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreEA Participation Novice 2.1 EAP05 Number:EAP05EA Participation Novice 2.1 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Novice 2.1 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreEA Participation Novice 2.2 EAP06 Number:EAP06EA Participation Novice 2.2 Status: Open Notes: Test: 2023 EA Novice 2.2 Fee: $40.00
Class: expand_moreCompanion Horse (Non-ridden, insurance cover) 56 Number:56Companion Horse (Non-ridden, insurance cover) Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $10.00

Event Notes

Day Yard $10 cost plus refundable $10 bond

Contact Details

Michelle Hall
[email protected]
[email protected]


Horse and Pony Identification numbers

As detailed in the EA National Dressage Rules, section 4.8.5:

Horse and Pony Identification numbers are compulsory for identification purposes and must be used at all times at an event so that the horse and pony can be identified by all Officials including Stewards.
a) two numbers are required to be worn when competing – one on each side of the horse - preferably attached to both sides of the saddlecloth, or both sides of the bridle and must be clearly legible by the judge/s being a minimum of 3.5 - 4cm in height.
b) the Horse or Pony Identification Number must also be worn as described whenever the horse is being ridden/lunged/led/tethered or grazed from the time of their arrival on the grounds until the end of the event
c) identification numbers shall be in black or dark coloured text, clearly displayed on a white background.

EA Official Competitive Competition - Rider Division/Category

When entering EA Official Competitive classes, the rider must select whether they are riding as Professional (Open),  AOR (Amateur Owner Rider), Pony or Youth. For more detail, please see the Equestrian Australia Dressage rules, available at: https://www.equestrian.org.au/dressage-rules

Youth or Pony can be selected as required. If you are a youth riding a pony, you can choose.


For professional riders involved in deriving an income from activities in equestrian sport including breaking, training, coaching or riding horses.

For reference, the folowing extract from the EA National Dressage Rules is provided:


Criteria Amateur Owner Rider (AOR) is a division of Official Competitive riders. The intent of the division is to highlight and reward non-professional riders. For the purposes of this rule, a professional is someone who derives an income from activities in equestrian sport including breaking, training, coaching or riding horses. It does not however exclude riders who may also earn a living running an agistment property, work in the racing industry or saddlery for example. It is more about recognising riders with their own horses only to ride and train who are obliged to earn an income to support their sport outside of riding and training.

All amateur owner riders must meet the following criteria:
a) the rider must be a Competitive member of their state branch of Equestrian Australia
b) the horse must have a life registration with Equestrian Australia
c) the horse/pony registration lodged with Equestrian Australia must reflect the name of the amateur owner rider as owner or part-owner of the horse. Leased horses are eligible if the amateur owner rider competitor is reflected as the lessee on the EA horse registration of that horse
d) the rider may not receive payment for activities in equestrian sport including breaking, training, coaching and riding horses
e) the rider’s income may only include sponsorship
f) the horse/pony must be primarily ridden and trained by the rider/owner with only periodic ridden assistance by person(s) other than the owner. This specifically includes the period 4 weeks up to and including the event
g) the rider must be aged 21 and over – can enter in the calendar year in which they turn 21
h) the division is for Official Competitive competitions. The Organising Committees may run this division at any level (ideally at all levels Preliminary - GP) and it can be run either within the competition or separately
i) Organising Committees must designate the AOR on the draw if there is a separate competition conducted within the one competition
j) for a State/Regional/Club Leader Board it would be ideal to select several events at which scores will count towards the annual Leader Board
k) if the OC receives evidence that the rider is in breach of these rules then this rider will forfeit any awards and prizes


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