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Event Type: Show Horse

Brookleigh Indoor Show Horse & Show Hunter Unofficial Event

Brookleigh Equestrian Estate

Brookleigh Adult Riding Club
01:00 PM
12:00 AM

Number Class Status Notes Test Fee
Walk & Trot Ring - Commences at 8.30
Class: expand_more WT - Smartest on Parade 001 Number:001 WT - Smartest on Parade Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWT - Rider 18 to 35 years 002 Number:002WT - Rider 18 to 35 years Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWT - Rider 36 to 49 years 003 Number:003WT - Rider 36 to 49 years Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWT - Rider 50yrs and over 004 Number:004WT - Rider 50yrs and over Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWT - Pony Show Hack/Show Hunter 14hh and under 005 Number:005WT - Pony Show Hack/Show Hunter 14hh and under Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWT - Galloway Show Hack 14hh to 15hh 006 Number:006WT - Galloway Show Hack 14hh to 15hh Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWT - Galloway Show Hunter 14hh to 15hh 007 Number:007WT - Galloway Show Hunter 14hh to 15hh Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWT - OTTWA Galloway 14hh to 15hh 008 Number:008WT - OTTWA Galloway 14hh to 15hh Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWT - Show Hack 15hh to 16hh 009 Number:009WT - Show Hack 15hh to 16hh Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWT - Show Hunter 15hh to 16hh 010 Number:010WT - Show Hunter 15hh to 16hh Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWT - OTTWA 15hh to 16hh 011 Number:011WT - OTTWA 15hh to 16hh Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWT - Show Hack 16hh and over 012 Number:012WT - Show Hack 16hh and over Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWT - Show Hunter 16hh and over 013 Number:013WT - Show Hunter 16hh and over Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWT - OTTWA 16hh and over 014 Number:014WT - OTTWA 16hh and over Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWT - Ladies Show Hack - Pony/Galloway/Horse 015 Number:015WT - Ladies Show Hack - Pony/Galloway/Horse Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWT - Ladies Show Hunter - Pony/Galloway/Horse 016 Number:016WT - Ladies Show Hunter - Pony/Galloway/Horse Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWT - Gentlemans Hack / Hunter - Pony/Galloway/Horse 017 Number:017WT - Gentlemans Hack / Hunter - Pony/Galloway/Horse Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWT - Pleasure Pony/Galloway 018 Number:018WT - Pleasure Pony/Galloway Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWT - Pleasure Horse over 15hh 019 Number:019WT - Pleasure Horse over 15hh Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWT - Encouragement Pony/Galloway (who have not won a ribbon on the day) 020 Number:020WT - Encouragement Pony/Galloway (who have not won a ribbon on the day) Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWT - Encouragement Horse over 15hh (who have not won a ribbon on the day) 021 Number:021WT - Encouragement Horse over 15hh (who have not won a ribbon on the day) Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
WALK TROT CANTER RING 1 - Starting 8:30am
Class: expand_moreWTC - Smartest on Parade 022 Number:022WTC - Smartest on Parade Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWTC - Rider 18yrs to 35yrs 023 Number:023WTC - Rider 18yrs to 35yrs Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWTC - Rider 36yrs - 49yrs 024 Number:024WTC - Rider 36yrs - 49yrs Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWTC - Rider 50yrs and over 025 Number:025WTC - Rider 50yrs and over Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWTC - Pony Show Hack/Show Hunter 14hh and under 026 Number:026WTC - Pony Show Hack/Show Hunter 14hh and under Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWTC - Galloway Show Hack 14hh to 15hh 027 Number:027WTC - Galloway Show Hack 14hh to 15hh Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWTC - Galloway Show Hunter 14hh to 15hh 028 Number:028WTC - Galloway Show Hunter 14hh to 15hh Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWTC - OTTWAGalloway 14hh to 15hh 029 Number:029WTC - OTTWAGalloway 14hh to 15hh Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWTC - Show Hack 15hh to 16hh 030 Number:030WTC - Show Hack 15hh to 16hh Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWTC - Show Hunter 15hh to 16hh 031 Number:031WTC - Show Hunter 15hh to 16hh Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWTC - OTTWA 15hh to 16hh 032 Number:032WTC - OTTWA 15hh to 16hh Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWTC - Show Hack 16hh andover 033 Number:033WTC - Show Hack 16hh andover Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWTC - Show Hunter 16hh and over 034 Number:034WTC - Show Hunter 16hh and over Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWTC - OTTWA16hhandover 035 Number:035WTC - OTTWA16hhandover Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWTC - Ladies Show Hack- Pony/Galloway/Horse 036 Number:036WTC - Ladies Show Hack- Pony/Galloway/Horse Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWTC - Ladies Show Hunter- Pony/Galloway/Horse 037 Number:037WTC - Ladies Show Hunter- Pony/Galloway/Horse Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWTC - Gentlemans Hack / Hunter- Pony/Galloway/Horse 038 Number:038WTC - Gentlemans Hack / Hunter- Pony/Galloway/Horse Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWTC - Pleasure Pony/Galloway 039 Number:039WTC - Pleasure Pony/Galloway Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWTC - Pleasure Horse over 15hh 040 Number:040WTC - Pleasure Horse over 15hh Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWTC - Encoragement Pony/Galloway (who have not won a ribbon on the day) 041 Number:041WTC - Encoragement Pony/Galloway (who have not won a ribbon on the day) Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00
Class: expand_moreWTC - Encoragement Horse over 15hh (who have not won a ribbon on the day) 042 Number:042WTC - Encoragement Horse over 15hh (who have not won a ribbon on the day) Status: Open Notes: Test: Fee: $0.00

Event Notes


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