01-01: Competitive Preliminary 1A
Riders: 2
02-02: Competitive Preliminary 1B
Riders: 4
02P-02P: Competitive Preliminary 1B - PONY
Riders: 1
03-03: Competitive Novice 2A
Riders: 1
03P-03P: Competitive Novice 2A - PONY
Riders: 1
04-04: Competitive Novice 2B
Riders: 4
05-05: Competitive Elementary 3A
Riders: 5
06-06: Competitive Elementary 3B
Riders: 6
07P-07: Competitive Medium 4A - Pony
Riders: 1
08P-08P: Competitive Medium 4B - Pony
Riders: 1
09-09: Competitive Advanced 5A
Riders: 2
10-10: Competitive Advanced 5B
Riders: 2
11-11: Participant Preparatory C
Riders: 2
12-12: Participant Preparatory E
Riders: 4
13-13: Participant Preliminary 1A
Riders: 5
14-14: Participant Preliminary 1B
Riders: 6
15-15: Participant Novice 2A
Riders: 4
16-16: Participant Novice 2B
Riders: 4
19-19: PCWA OPEN Preliminary 1A
Riders: 2
20-20: PCWA OPEN Preliminary 1B
Riders: 2
28-28: PCWA LB Preliminary 1A (10yrs and under)
Riders: 2
29-29: PCWA LB Preliminary 1A (11 to 13 yrs)
Riders: 3
30-30: PCWA LB Preliminary 1A (14 to 16 yrs)
Riders: 1
31-31: PCWA LB Preliminary 1A (17 to 24 yrs)
Riders: 2
32-32: PCWA LB Novice 2A (8 to 13 yrs)
Riders: 4
33-33: PCWA LB Novice 2A (14 to 16 yrs)
Riders: 2
34-34: PCWA LB Novice 2A (17 to 24 yrs)
Riders: 2
35-35: PCWA LB Elementary 3A (17 to 24 yrs)
Riders: 1
36-36: PCWA LB Elementary 3A (8 to 16 yrs)
Riders: 1
37-37: PCWA LB Medium 4A (8 to 24 yrs)
Riders: 1
40-40: PCWA Preliminary 1A
Riders: 4
41-41: PCWA Preliminary 1B
Riders: 4
42-42: PCWA Novice 2A
Riders: 1
43-43: PCWA Novice 2B
Riders: 4
45-45: PCWA Elementary 3B
Riders: 1
46-46: BH&PC Closed Club Preparatory C
Riders: 1
47-47: BH&PC Closed Club Prelim 1A
Riders: 2
48-48: BH&PC Closed Club Novice 2A
Riders: 1