Fig Tree Pocket Equestrian Club Hoppy's Handwash Cafe CCN One Day Event - 26/03/2021
Cross Country
Type something in the input field to search the table for class number, class name:
01-Westvets CCN3*-S
12 Riders
02-Horseland Ipswich CCN2*-S
9 Riders
03-The Kenmore CCN 1*
32 Riders
04A-Ozshotz EvA 95A
38 Riders
04B-Ozshotz EvA 95B
38 Riders
05A-Brookfield Produce EvA 80 - A
45 Riders
05B-Brookfield Produce EvA 80 - B
44 Riders
06A-Farm Up EvQ 65 - A
26 Riders
06B-Farm Up EvQ 65 - B
30 Riders
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