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Event Type: Sh/Jumping

Serpentine H & PC Show Jump Series 2024 - Event 1

Serpentine Equestrian Grounds

07:00 PM
08:00 PM
21/02/2024 – please note a late fee will apply after the original closing date

Serpentine Horse and Pony Club

2024 Show Jumping Series

The 2024 Show Jumping Series will consist of 2 events held at

Serpentine Horse and Pony Club, Karnup Rd, Serpentine.

Event 1: Saturday 24th February 2024

Event 2: Monday 1st April March 2024 


Arena 1: 40cm, 50cm ,60cm, Optimum Time. 70cm & 80cm AM7 

Arena 2: 80cm, 90cm,100cm, 105cm, 110cm &115cm AM7 


Part of the PCWA Show Jump Leaderboard.

We have qualified judges and course builders and are affiliated with EA, therefore our events may also be used as Interschools qualifiers. Please note: riders under 18 years will need to be Pony Club members.


Performance cards:




Entries close at 7pm on Sunday 18 February, or when have reached the maximum amount of rounds we can cater for, 125 per arena.



  • Riders must be insured through Pony Club Western Australia.
  • PCWA and Open Riders (18+) only
  • No late entries accepted.
  • Serpentine members will receive a $5.00 discount.
  • Gates open 7.00am, 7.30 am Course Walk, 8.00 am first round of jumping.
  • Amazing canteen available on the day
  • Prizes for 1st place
  • Ribbons to sixth place
  • Results will be available online.
  • Please make sure you read our Conditions of Entry below!


  • Competitors must have PCWA insurance cover. 
  • All riders must present to office before riding. 
  • Open riders (18+) can purchase annual PCWA insurance online from the PCWA website. 
  • Riders under 18 years must be a member of a Pony Club to be insured and able to compete.
  • Age groups will be determined by age as of January 1st, 2024.
  • Pre entries only- no entries on the day
  • All riders to provide one helper per horse. Helper jobs will be available for you to select through Sign Up, after entries have closed in the week prior to the event. More info to follow.
  • No self-help if riding 2 or more horses unless by prior arrangement. If you require self- help we would prefer if you chose set-up/ pack away as your helper duty.
  • At discretion of the Show jump committee, riders who do not complete their helper job, may be eliminated or refused entry at future events.
  • Horse /Rider combinations may compete in both arenas, with a maximum of two consecutive heights per event, this means you cannot skip a height. If a rider chooses to compete in both arenas, they may be required to jump their higher height first.
  • There will be no non-competitive rounds available so you cannot jump the same height twice on the same horse.
  • Riders must ride in draw order unless previous arranged with the committee.
  • One horse, one rider. Maximum of 3 horses per rider. Maximum of 2 horses per rider in any one height,
  • Riders must wear Formal Pony Club uniform (PCWA classes). Open classes as per PCWA Gear check manual; JACKET – Must be worn with long/short sleeved/sleeveless shirt and Tie/Stock/Ratcatcher. Jacket must not be removed without permission of the Judge. Sleeves must NOT be pushed or rolled up.
  • All riders must be gear checked before competing. PCWA gear checking rules will apply for all classes and competitors are responsible for being aware of these rules.
  • Scratching’s/Refunds: Competitors must notify the organisers of withdrawal prior to close of entries to obtain a refund minus $10.00 bookkeeping fee.
  • After this date, a refund will only be given if a Vet or Doctor's certificate is received by the organiser within 2 weeks of the event. A $10 bookkeeping fee will apply.
  • Please note: No dogs allowed. Please clean up after yourself and your horse and leave our grounds the way you found them.


Series points will be allocated from 1st to 6th place for each of the class and will be allocated as follows:

1st       7 points

2nd      6 points

3rd       5 points

4th       4 points

5th       3 points

6th       2 points

Completion of a jumping round without being eliminated 1 point


  • Competitors must compete at both events to be eligible for series placings.
  • Organisers reserve the right to amend/ join classes as required and have the absolute discretion to refuse entry to, or eject any competitor from any class, event or series for any reason. Organisers reserve the right to reschedule any event.
  • Organisers reserve the right to determine and amend prizes (including rugs) for each and any class, event or the series according to the level of entries or any other reason.
  • Points are allocated based on horse/rider combination. Combinations can only compete at 2 consecutive heights at each event.
  • Series placegetters will be announced at the final event on 1 April 2024.
  • No horse/ Rider combination will be eligible for more than one High Points Winner or Runner –up prize. In the event of one combination being in this position, the higher height arena will take precedence.


Series Prizes

* Awarded for overall PCWA 12 & Under, PCWA 13 & Over and Open high point rider in Arena1

* Awarded for overall high point PCWA 14 & Under, PCWA 15 & Over and Open rider in Arena 2

* Rugs (or equivalent) and rosettes for series winners in each ring

* Prize and rosettes to 6th place



General enquiries to [email protected]


Number Class Status Notes Test Fee
Class: expand_moreRing 1 - 40cm - PCWA 12 & Under Optimum Time 01 Number:01Ring 1 - 40cm - PCWA 12 & Under Optimum Time Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $22.00
Class: expand_moreRing 1 - 40cm - PCWA 13 & Over Optimum Time 02 Number:02Ring 1 - 40cm - PCWA 13 & Over Optimum Time Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $22.00
Class: expand_moreRing 1 - 40cm - PCWA Open Optimum Time 03 Number:03Ring 1 - 40cm - PCWA Open Optimum Time Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $22.00
Class: expand_moreRing 1 - 50cm - PCWA 12 & Under Optimum Time 04 Number:04Ring 1 - 50cm - PCWA 12 & Under Optimum Time Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $22.00
Class: expand_moreRing 1 - 50cm - PCWA 13 & Over Optimum Time 05 Number:05Ring 1 - 50cm - PCWA 13 & Over Optimum Time Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $22.00
Class: expand_moreRing 1 - 50cm - PCWA Open Optimum Time 06 Number:06Ring 1 - 50cm - PCWA Open Optimum Time Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $22.00
Class: expand_moreRing 1 - 60cm - PCWA 12 & Under Optimum Time 07 Number:07Ring 1 - 60cm - PCWA 12 & Under Optimum Time Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $22.00
Class: expand_moreRing 1 - 60cm - PCWA 13 & Over Optimum Time 08 Number:08Ring 1 - 60cm - PCWA 13 & Over Optimum Time Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $22.00
Class: expand_moreRing 1 - 60cm - PCWA Open Optimum Time 09 Number:09Ring 1 - 60cm - PCWA Open Optimum Time Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $22.00
Class: expand_moreRing 1 - 70cm - PCWA 12 & Under AM7 10 Number:10Ring 1 - 70cm - PCWA 12 & Under AM7 Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $22.00
Class: expand_moreRing 1 - 70cm - PCWA 13 & Over AM7 11 Number:11Ring 1 - 70cm - PCWA 13 & Over AM7 Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $22.00
Class: expand_moreRing 1 - 70cm - PCWA OPEN AM7 12 Number:12Ring 1 - 70cm - PCWA OPEN AM7 Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $22.00
Class: expand_moreRing 1 - 80cm - PCWA 12 & Under AM7 13 Number:13Ring 1 - 80cm - PCWA 12 & Under AM7 Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $22.00
Class: expand_moreRing 1 - 80cm - PCWA 13 & Over AM7 14 Number:14Ring 1 - 80cm - PCWA 13 & Over AM7 Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $22.00
Class: expand_moreRing 1 - 80cm - PCWA OPEN AM7 15 Number:15Ring 1 - 80cm - PCWA OPEN AM7 Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $22.00
Class: expand_moreRing 2 - 80cm - PCWA 14 & Under AM7 16 Number:16Ring 2 - 80cm - PCWA 14 & Under AM7 Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $22.00
Class: expand_moreRing 2 - 80cm - PCWA 15 & Over AM7 17 Number:17Ring 2 - 80cm - PCWA 15 & Over AM7 Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $22.00
Class: expand_moreRing 2 - 80cm - PCWA OPEN AM7 18 Number:18Ring 2 - 80cm - PCWA OPEN AM7 Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $22.00
Class: expand_moreRing 2 - 90cm - PCWA 14 & Under AM7 19 Number:19Ring 2 - 90cm - PCWA 14 & Under AM7 Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $22.00
Class: expand_moreRing 2 -90cm - PCWA 15 & Over AM7 20 Number:20Ring 2 -90cm - PCWA 15 & Over AM7 Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $22.00
Class: expand_moreRing 2 - 90cm - PCWA OPEN AM7 21 Number:21Ring 2 - 90cm - PCWA OPEN AM7 Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $22.00
Class: expand_moreRing 2 - 100cm - PCWA 14 & Under AM7 22 Number:22Ring 2 - 100cm - PCWA 14 & Under AM7 Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $22.00
Class: expand_moreRing 2 -100cm - PCWA 15 & Over AM7 23 Number:23Ring 2 -100cm - PCWA 15 & Over AM7 Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $22.00
Class: expand_moreRing 2 - 100cm - PCWA OPEN AM7 24 Number:24Ring 2 - 100cm - PCWA OPEN AM7 Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $22.00
Class: expand_moreRing 2 - 105cm - PCWA AM7 25 Number:25Ring 2 - 105cm - PCWA AM7 Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $22.00
Class: expand_moreRing 2 - 105cm - PCWA OPEN AM7 26 Number:26Ring 2 - 105cm - PCWA OPEN AM7 Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $22.00
Class: expand_moreRing 2 - 110cm - PCWA AM7 27 Number:27Ring 2 - 110cm - PCWA AM7 Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $22.00
Class: expand_moreRing 2 - 110cm - PCWA OPEN AM7 28 Number:28Ring 2 - 110cm - PCWA OPEN AM7 Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $22.00
Class: expand_moreRing 2 - 115cm - PCWA AM7 29 Number:29Ring 2 - 115cm - PCWA AM7 Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $22.00
Class: expand_moreRing 2 - 115cm - PCWA OPEN AM7 30 Number:30Ring 2 - 115cm - PCWA OPEN AM7 Status: Closed Notes: Test: Fee: $22.00

Event Notes


Contact Details

[email protected]


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Nominate PTY Ltd

  • Phone: +61 7 3118 9555
  • Office Hours: 9am - 5pm Monday - Friday
  • E-Mail: [email protected]

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